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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1332 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Dial, Geraldine W., degree, 1230 Diamond, I. B., appointment, 683 Diamond, R. S., degree, 265 Diamond, S. D., degree, 450 Diamondstone, L. M., degree, 1235 Diao, Kai-I, fellowship, 340 Diao, R. K., degree, 116 Dibble, Mrs. Edna B., appointment, 792 Dibble, J. B., degree, 471 Di Bella, Camille A., degree, 260 DiCarlo, L. M., appointment, 36 declination, 44 DiCiro, C. M., degree, 269 Dick, J. O., degree, 267 Dickason, D. E., appointment, 545 University representative, committee on determination of wage rates for construction work at Robert Allerton Park, 993 Dicke, R. L., certificate, 205 Dickenson, D. D., degree, 265, 1204 Dickenson, Virginia A., degree, 458 Dickerson, D. R., degree, 1025 Dickerson, S. A., degree, 1233 Dickey, D. E., degree, 1223 Dickey, M. M., appointment, 49, 870 Dickey, P. I., degree, 857 Dickey, R. F., certificate, 205 Dickey, R. I., appointment, 153, 622, 623 Dickinson, Dorian H., degree, 459 Dickinson, F. H., degree, 1022 Dickinson, Jennie L., degree, 861 Dickman, J. D., degree, 434 Dicks, L. E., degree, 119 Dicks, W. L., degree, 1234 Dickson, F. O., certificate, 969 Dickson, N. R., degree, 1208 Dick X-Ray Co., purchase, 232, 234 Didier, A. J., degree, 1240 Dieckamp, H. M., appointment, 1191 Dieckmann, C. E., degree, 1240 Diedrich, Norma D., degree, 435 Diehl, J. M., degree, 934 Diehl, K. D., degree, 438 Dieken, E. H., degree, 270, 1201 Dieken, Mrs. Jeanne K., appointment, 740 Diel, D. F., degree, 448 Diemer, B. W., degree, 1240 Dierkes, Loretta J., degree, 1215 Dierking, M. B,, degree, 268 Dierolf, R. K., degree, 460 Diers, Lorraine, L., degree, 126 Dierstein, P. G., degree, 1217 Diesel engine, Mechanical Engineering, purchase, 163 Diessner, W. H., appointment, 153 Dietary, Research and Educational Hospitals, budget, 702, 790 Dtetemann, C. A., appointment, 636, 1139 Dieter, Dorothy R-, degree, 1245 Dieter, L. V., certificate, 205 Dieter, O. A., appointment, 388, 570, 1150 Dietmcyer, A. H-, degree, 449 Dietz, C. H., degree, 1032 Dietz, F. C , appointment, 96, 383, 490, 563, "45 Dietz, J. C , appointment, 96, 608 Dietz, Ruth E., degree, 1245 Diffenbaugh, W . G,, appointment, 58, 880 Digestion, research, gift, n 70 Diggs, A. E., appointment, 58, 879 Diggs, B. J., appointment, 565 Dijulio, R. M., degree, 858 Dilger, A. A., degree, 1240 Dill, F . J., degree, 267 Dillavou, E. R., appointment, 623 Dillavou, Janette M\, degree, 934 Dillavou & Bland, purchase, 355 Dillaway, D. P., degree, 1016 Dillaway, R. B., appointment, 614, 1147 degree, 1017 Dille, C. E., member of advisory committee, 79, 818 Deshayes, J. R., degree, 1030 DeShazo, R., appointment, 765 Deshpande, M. V., degree, 439 Desjardlns, Fernande N., degree, 1227^ Desks, purchase, Liberal Arts and Sciences, 63 Office Supply Store, 353 Physical Plant, 281 DesMarais, M. R., appointment, 302 degree, 846 Desmond, J. D., certificate, 1034 Desmond, John James, degree, 861 Desmond, John Joe James, degree, 277 Desmond, L. J., certificate, 205 degree, 272 _ . Des Plaines, Cook County Experiment Station, sale, recommendation, 497 report of committee, 814 Despot, D. F., degree, 1220 Dessent, R, A., appointment, 55, 877 De Takats, G., appointment, 691 De Tamble, Grace W., appointment, 153, 688, 795, 832 Detector, Physics, purchase, 1115 Deters, A. M,, degree, 857 DeThorn, D. J., degree, 462 DeTrana, Celia, appointment, 786 DeTrana, F. A., appointment, 870 Detroit Diesel Engine Division, General Motors Corp., purchase, 163 Detroy, B. F., degree, 1217 Detroy, J. W., degree, 1213 Dettinger, G. W., degree, 1030 Dettman, Eunice E., degree, 1227 Dettmann, Marilyn A., degree, 1223 DeTurk, E. E., appointment, 582 Deusch, Mrs. Shirley A., appointment, 761 Deuss, H. O., appointment, 48, 869 Deuth, L. O., degree, 467 Deutsch, E. L., degree, 467 Deutsch, M., fellowship, 43 Deutsch, W. E,, degree, 1245 Devaud, J. D., degree, 1238 Dever, Mrs. Emma B., appointment, 732 Dever, Z. D., Jr., degree, 1223 Devine, J. C , decree, 1240 Devlin, J. H., certificate, 1034 Devlin, W. J., appointment, 878 Devoe, J. R-, degree, 1227 DeVogelaere, D. J., degree, 467 DeVore, G. D., degree, 267 DeVore, L. T., appointment, 381, 610 resignation, 1137 DeVos, G. A., fellowship, 512 De Waele, M. H., degree, 1213 DeWald, H. A., degree, 1197 fellowship, 339 DeWalt, H. A., Jr., degree, 112 fellowship, 340, 426, 1090 declination, 344 DeWerff, R. E., degree, 1235 Dewey, Helen E., degree, 1200 fellowship, 1090 Dewey, R. S., appointment, 568, 1149 Dewhirst, J. D., degree, 1032 DeWitt, R. R., degree, 451 DeWolf, F. W., appointment, 562 DeWolf, G. E., Jr., degree, 265 DeWolf, June E., degree, 1244 Dexter, K., fellowship, 1089 Dexter, T. H., degree, 1009 fellowship, 155 Dexter Folder Co., purchase, 937, 983 Deyo, F. B., degree, 264, 1213 Deyoe, G. P., appointment, 96, 380, 628 Deyot, A. V., degree, 277 DeYonnR, Mr. and Mrs. M., gift, 68 DeYoung, W. G., appointment, 251, 870 DeYonng, Wiltna J., degree, 465 Diacos, A. D., appointment, 784 Dial, C. E., degree, 1230 Dial, C. K., degree, 1217
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