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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS PeKalb County Farm Bureau, gift, 165 DeKany, Alice, degree, 1223 Dekker, T. H., appointment, 650 Dekker-van Ghyl, Mrs. Lucile, appointment, 5S6 degree, 435 DeLaney, Jean, appointment, 36, 379, 660, 1148 ftelashment, J. L., degree, 259 Delatour, G. S., appointment, 251 DeLaubenfels, D. J., fellowship, 341 DeLavallade, Gloria L., degree, 1226 Delaware Avenue, property at 701 West, lease, 238 purchase, 2 Delbecq, C. J., degree, 430 Del Boccio, A. J., degree, 1024 Delbridge, C. B., degree, 274 DeLee, S. T., appointment, 52, 873 Deleoleos, N. T., certificate, 1034 Del Grano, Adora J., degree, 451 Dell, G. E., certificate, 1176 Dell, G. H., appointment, 378, 608, 1141, 1191 Dell, P. C., appointment, 976 Dellatori, Margaret M., degree, 124 Dellefield, R. A., degree, 462 Dellert, G. T., Jr., degree, 454 DeLong, C. C , appointment, 544, 624 authority to sign name of President of Board, 287, 1042 De Long, Mrs. Greta H., appointment, 96 Be Long, J. H., degree, 125 DeLorenzo, W. F., appointment, 36, 376 DeLorimier, A. J., degree, 1031 Delson, Betty, appointment, 50 De Lucia, J. J., degree, 261 Del Vesco, J. M., degree, 473 Demain, S. L., degree, 455 Demanes, F. A., degree, 265 Demanes, L. S., degree, 462 DeMar, E. S., degree, 443 Demarchi, F. B., degree, 1210 Demaree, R. G., appointment, 387 degree, 159 fellowship, 343 DeMaris, E. J., fellowship, 1089 Dembinski, Helen T., appointment, 791 Dementia praecox, research, gift, 167, 910 Demeris, H. T,, appointment, 765 DeMers, E. F., appointment, 381, 5°9. 610, 1144 DeMers, G. H., degree, 434 Demeter, D. R., degree, 451 Demetry, J. M., degree, 267 DeMett, Stella S., degree, 1248 DeMirza,. F. A., degree, 1244 Demlow, W., appointment, 755 Demmler, W., & Bros., gift, 165 Demorest, J. R., degree, 1206 DeMoulin Bros. & Co., purchase, 280 Dempsey, E. JT, appointment, 1086 Dempsey, Ellen, appointment, 36, 556 Dempsey, J. J., degree, 1220 Dempsey, J. L., degree, 864 Dempsey, W. M., degree, 1029 De Muro, E., degree, 1218 De Nardo, J. F., degree, 446 Deneen, R. G., degree, 862, 1018 Denemark, E., Inc., purchase, 494 Denemark, G. W., appointment, 1005 degree, 1011 Denhart, Mrs. Bonnie R., appointment, Denhart, D. F., degree, 1220 Denison, F. G., degree, 1019 Denison Engineering Co., purchase, 279 Denizman, H. N., degree, 447 Denko, J. V., appointment, 1005 Denn, Goldeen, appointment, 551 Denn, S. M., degree, 1021 Denney, J. O., degree, 1032 Denney, Mrs. Verena, appointment, 736 1331 Dennis, C. W., degree, 461 Dennis, Dorothy, degree, 1245 Dennis, R, J., degree, 267 Denny, Mrs. Martha Q., appointment, $gi, 7i8 Densch, J. M., appointment, 801 Dent, A. T., certificate, 1034 Dent, Mrs. Beulah, appointment, 756 Dent, K, E., degree, 467 Dental chairs, purchase, 193* 481 Dental Clinics, budget, 694, 786 purchase, cabinets, 352 chairs, 481, 1162 equipment, 307 Dental! Histology, budget, 695, 787 graduate curriculum, 1098 research, gift, cancer, 1171 gingival disease, 167, 1171 tumor formation in rats, 911, 1170 Dental History, See Medical and Dental History. Dental plaque, research, gift, 1169 Dental tissues, changes in physiologic and pathologic states, study, 1062 Dental units, installation, contract, 411 engineering services, 395 Dentinger, L. C , degree, 1240 Dentistry, College of, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 72, 485, 487 autotechnicon, appropriation, 80 book on current advances in dentistry, printing, 901 budget, 692, 786 salary adjustments, 1136 degrees conferred, 469, 1243 fees, adjustment, 1131 part-time students, 1158 schedule, 1159 fellows, 344, 1096 graduate curricula, 1098 laundry service, 280 postgraduate program development, gift, 1170 projectors, appropriation, 245 purchase, dental cbairs, 193 lockers, 131 research, gilt, 911 telephone service, transmission of postgraduate extension program, 901 X-ray equipment, appropriation, 174 Dentistry for Children, budget, 694, 786 salary adjustments, 1136 equipment, appropriation, 1127 Dentistry Postgraduate Studies, telephone service for extension course, 901, 959 Denton, F. F., degree, 267 Denton, R. W., degree, 1249 fellowship, 106, 841 De Pasquale, P. P., degree, 1234 DePauw, J. F., degree, 455 DePauw, J. R., degree, 125 DePew, Mrs. Rosemary, appointment, 766 DePew, W. C , Jr., degree, 467, 1205 De Peyster, F. A., appointment, 59, 880 Derber, M., appointment, 656 Derdzinski, E. W., degree, 455 Derham, F. E„ certificate, 1034 Dermatitis, research, gift, 1168 Dermatology, budget, 681, 782 clinical faculty, 47, 868 fluorescent lights, appropriation, 824 library, gift, 1170 DeRosa, P. E„ degree, 121 Derrick, Lucile, appointment, 723, 1151 Derrough, C. E., appointment, 613, 1147 Derrough, Elizabeth, appointment, 741 Derrough, R. P., appointment, 755 Derryberry, Wilda, appointment, 790 DeRuntz, A. J., degree, 1233 DeRuntz, R. W., degree, 862 Deser, S., fellowship, 343 declination, 344
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