UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 [PAGE 1337]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950
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UNIVERSITY OF I L L I N O I S Danks, A. G., resignation, 256 Danna, Mrs. Ann S., appointment, 586 Danne, Carol T., degree, 1226 Dannehl, R. L., degree, 1213 Danner, A., Jr., degree, 1238 Danner, C. S., appointment, 608, 1141 Danner, E., appointment, 608, 1141 degree, 437 Danner, F. E., degree, 265 Danno, Anna M., appointment, 806 Danville Electric Supply Co., purchase, 1038 Danville Industrial Supply Co., purchase, 351 Danville Tent & Awning Co., purchase, 352 D'Anza, P. A., degree, 1031 D'AppoIonia, E., degree, 158 resignation, 44 Darden, J. A., fellowship, 343 Dare, M. E., degree, 860 Darling, C. G., appointment, 52, 873 Darling, D. D., appointment, 682 Darling, O. W., degree, 123 Daro, A. F., appointment, 51, 872 Darrow, C. \V., appointment, 47, 867 Darrow, Ruth, appointment, 56, 877 Darsch, A. P. B., degree, 1218 Dash, F. L. t degree, 864. 1232 Dasher, P. M., degree, 448, 1208 DaSilva, J. G., degree, 1013 Date, Mildred, appointment, 779 Daugherty, D. J., degree, 267, 1015 Daugherty, W. D., degree, 1230 Daughton, G. B,, degree, 262 Davenport, Doris E., appointment, 769 Davenport, Dorothy M., degree, 124 Davenport, E., book, printing, 937 Davenport, W. B., degree, 1213 Davenport Hall, fume hood, appropriation,



remodeling, appropriation, 245 balance reappropriated, 72, 486 contract, 328 electrical distribution system, improvements, engineering services, 999 Davenport House, remodeling, appropriation, 335 ventilating, appropriation, 204 balance reappropriated, 486 Davey, F. B., certificate, 1034 David, B. E., degree, 1021 David, D. A., degree, 1030 David, Mrs. Grace, appointment, 180 David, J. M., degree, 268, 1016 David, K. E., certificate, 1034 David, Ruth, appointment, 832 David, V. C , appointment, 58, 879 David Kinley Hall, architectural services, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 486 coat hooks, appropriation, 81 balance reappropriated, 486 remodeling, appropriation, 175, 970 balance reappropriated, 4S6 architectural services, contract, 17 general work, contract, addition, 211 Davidson, Keulah M., degree, 465 Davidson, E. H., appointment, 1145 Davidson, S., degree, 455 Davies, Mrs. Bernita J., appointment, 647, 663, 1088 Davies, C. O., degree, 1222 Davies, Virginia A., degree, 863 Davis, A. S., appointment, 773 Davis, B. F., degree, 857 Davis, B. G., degree, 1213 Davis, B. I., degree, 1222 Davis, Carl Braden, appointment, 57, 879 Davis, Carl Braden, Jr., appointment, 58, 880 Davis, C. C , degree, 1031 Davis, C. P., degree, 1019 Davis, C. R., appreciation of services, 288 authority, execute Women's Residence Hall revenue bonds, 224 remarks, 289 Davis, Carolyn S., degree, 120

Davis, Catherine M., degree, 467 Davis, D., degree, 1199 Davis, D. B., degree, 1213 Davis, D, D., degree, 446 Davis, D, H., certificate, 496 Davis, D. j . , appointment, 678, 685 Davis, D. L,, certificate, 292 Davis, D. R., degree, 1240 Davis, E., degree, 459 Davis, E. A., degree, 1220 Davis, E. C , degree, 451 Davis, E. H., certificate, 1034 Davis, Emily E. ; appointment, 557 Davis, C. C , degree, 116 Davis, G. L., degree, 270 Davis, Gloria A., degree, 272 Davis, H. J., degree, 467 Davis, Harry L., degree, 1245 Davis, Hugh L., appointment, 698 Davis, Jack C , degree, 1021 Davis, James C., degree, 858 Davis, J. E., appointment, 698 Davis, J. H., degree, 162 Davis, James W., degree, 1244 Davis, John \V., degree, 1244 Davis, Juanita J., degree, 1238 Davis, K. \V\, degree, 1032 Davis, Louie Ella S., degree, 259 Davis, M. D., appointment, n 35 Davis, M. M., degree, 467 Davis, N. P., appointment, 382, 560, 1144 Davis; Nancy, degree, 1230 Davis, Norma P., degree, 1216 Davis, R. E., degree, 465 resignation, 44 Davis, R. F., degree, 274 Davis, R. R., certificate, 132 Davis, R. S., degree, I T 6 Davis, S. C , degree, 125 Davis, S. P., degree, 114 Davis, Shirley, appointment, 733 Davis, Velma M., appointment, 780 authority to sign name of Secretary of Board, 287, 1043 Davis, Mrs. Vivian, appointment, 739 Davis, W. L., degree, 1240 David, \V. T., appointment, 377 declination, 427 Davis, Wilna J., degree, 124 Davison, C. O., degree, 265 Davison, R. M,. degree, 934 Davisson, E. O., fellowship, 512 DaVito, Lavon T., degree, 276 Davlin, R. E., degree, 277, roi8 Dawe's Products Co., contract, 282 Dawless, Mrs. Gladys M., appointment, 75 2 Dawn, C. E., appointment, 832 Dawson, Carrie B., degree, 112 member of advisory committee, 191 Dawson, H. S.; appointment, 545, 549 Dawson, Irene M., degree, 451 Dawson, J. A., degree, 435 Dawson, K. R., certificate, 1034 Dawson, O. L., degree, 470, 1245 Dawson, R. E., degree, 448 Dawson, Mrs. Ruby M., appointment, 795 Day, D. A., appointment, 36, 608 Day, F. R., degree, 1205 Day, M. M., appointment, 564, 1146 Day, R. A., degree, 451 Day, R. B., degree, 932 Day, R. C , degree, 463 Day, Sally D., degree, 1024 Day, YV. E., appointment, 771 Day, \V. J., degree, 455 Dayiantis, G. J. M., degree, 1239 Dayton, D. F., appointment,, 1086 DDT spray, Physical Plant, purchase, 393 DeAcetis, W., degree, 1025 Deadmore, D. L., degree, 266 Deaf, teachers of, scholarship, gift, 1164 TJeal, D. L., degree, 1208 Deal, N. H., appointment, 832