UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 [PAGE 1333]

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Cooperman, R. M., degree, 277 Coopersmith, R. C , degree, 455 Coopman, R. R., degree, 1217 Copan, Sandra, appointment, 803 Copeland, F. W., degree, 1240 Copeland, S. A., degree, 860 Copenhaver, B., degree, 1223 Copper, Physical Plant, purchase, 106s Copper, C - C , degree, 260 Copple, D. E., degree, 269 Copple, E. F., degree, 1230 Coraor, G. R., degree, 112 fellowship, 339 Corbett, J. C , Jr.. degree, 267 Corbett, Joyce M., degree, 126 Corbett, R. M. ( degree, 1236 Corbier, R. H. t degree, 1218 Corbin, E. B., appointment, 756 Corbin, Mrs. Vivian, appointment, 741 Corbly, Norma C. H., degree, 451 Corboy, M. J. t Co., bid, ig8 contract, 940 addition, 32 Corby, L. A., degree, 1021 Corcoran, T. J., degree, 444 Cordell, Jane, degree, 851 Cordell, Vail Ralph, degree, 438 Cordell, Vail Robison, Jr., degree, 438 Cordera, F. J., degree, 122 Cordes. E. R., appointment, 757 Cordier, H. V., appointment, 337, 646, 656 Cordogan, L. C , degree, 275 Corduan, A. E., degree, 122 Corenson, S., degree, 125, 438 Corfield, Bertha M., appointment, 509 Corgan, Janet L., degree, 473 Corgiat, E., degree, 116 Coriden, Mary H,, degree, 1223 Cork Insulating Co., purchase, 482 Corlett, Mary E., degree, 262 Corliss, J. J., appointment, 391, 719 Corliss, L, D., degree, 440 Corn, agreement to grow and introduce varieties developed bv University, 236 research, gift, 165, 9"5> llfi7 use in manufacture of dairy products, study, 961 Cornbleet, D., degree, 4<>7 Cornbleet, T., appointment, 681 Cornetlle, ) . R., degree, 1213 Cornell, C. M., degree, 455 Cornell Seed Co., contract, 65 Cornell, F. G., appointment, 380, 633 Cornell, H. M., services, payment, 814 Cornell, H. R., degree, 450 Cornell Farm, contract, 235 Cornett, R. A., degree, 159 Corning Glass Works, purchase, 522, 1261 Corn Products Refining Co., gift, 69 Corn performance bulletin, expenses, gift, 904 Corn Testing Revolving Account, budget, 584 Coronet Instructional Films, purchase, 130, 4S2 Corran, F. O., degree, 1240 Correll, N. O., Jr., degree, 1245, 1250 Correll, Mrs. Violet, appointment, 779 Correspondence courses, budget, 651, 764 military personnel, contract, 131, 3°7 Corrie, W, F., degree, 1213 Corngan, J. J., Jr., degree, 1022 Corrigan, Janice J., degree, 451 Corsa, D., degree, 1022 Corser, Mary L., degree, T200 Corten, H. T., appointment, 389, 618, 1151 Corti, M. A., degree, 1027 Cortisone, research, gift, 1170 Corty, Mrs. Marjorie, appointment, 803 Corwin, Mrs. Etta M., appointment, 736 Corwin, R. W., degree, 268, 1017 Corwith, N., degree, 1032 Cory, Martha, appointment, 794 Corzine, Virginia C , degree, 458


Cosentino, C. A., degree, 1 o 15 Coskunogullari, A., degree, r2os Costnas, Maria J., appointment, 96 Costa, D. L,, degree, 159 Costello, J. J., degree, 1227 Costigan, W. F., degree, 1032 Costin, E. J., certificate, 496 Costin, F., appointment, 96, 543, 558 Cotell, H., appointment, 50 Cotovsky, L., degree, 1239 Cotovsky, Mrs. Sally E., appointment, 768 Cotta, Raymona J., degree, 1023 Cotter, Mrs. Alice W., appointment,2 546, 832 Cottingham, Erma, appointment, 59 > 6 o 4 salary adjustment, 1060 Cottingham, J. G., degree, 449 Cottingham, R. I., degree, 858 Cottle, R. P., degree, 125 Cotton, I. G., certificate, 496 Cotton, Vivian P., degree, 116 Cottrell, Frances E., appointment, 556 Cottrell, T., appointment, 59, 881 Cottrell, T. L. C , Jr., appointment, 881 Couch, M. P . , degree, 163, 853 Coultas, B. H., degree, 847 Coultas, C. L., degree, 444 Coultas, Mary K., appointment, 791 Coultas, Ruth L., degree, 1229 Coultas, T. A., appointment, 229, 386, 614 degree, 118 resignation, 1194 Coulter, D. M., degree, 448 Coultrip, D. L,, degree, 448 Coumbe, D. G., certificate, 132 Council on White Mineral Oil, gift, 167 Counseling, residence halls, budget, 548 Country Mutual Fire Co., contract, 525* 1062 Courses and Curricula, budget, 542, 732 Coursey, J. O., Jr., degree, 471 Courtney, L. J., degree, 1032 Courtright, Lillie B., degree, 847 Courtright, Ruth E., degree, 272 Coury, A. P., degree, 122 Cousins, J. G., degree, 1019 Coven, R. D., degree, 469, 1244 Cover, Mrs. Alta M., appointment, 735 Cover, M. S., appointment, 643 salary adjustment, 1061 Covey, D. L., degree, 846 Covey, Joy H., degree, 260 Covey, R. R., degree, 1233 Covington, Mrs. Jeanne, resignation, 427 Cowan, H. E., degree, 114 Cowan, R. H., degree, 122 Cowan, W. J., degree, 858 Cowen. Iris Z., degree, 859 Cowen, J. P., appointment, 52, 873 Cowles. Harriet E., appointment, 391, 718, Cowles, Josephine M.. degree, 854 Cowsert, L. E., degree, 1244 Cowsert, R. P., degree, 448 Cox, C. H., degree, 462 Cox, C. W., 857 Cox, F. G., appointment, 53, 873 Cox, G. B., degree, 464 Cox, J. E., degree, 1021 fellowship, 1007 Cox, J. H., degree, 1233 Cox, J. L., degree, 1235 Cox, L. D., degree, 448 Cox, Norma, appointment, 799 Cox, K. O., degree, 467 Cox, Sarah, degree, 1215 Cox, V. T., degree, 855 Cox, W. J., degree, 851 Cox, W. O., Jr., degree, 447 Coxen, F. R., degree, 463 Coxhead, Mrs. Constance, appointment, 767 Coxhead, R. C , Corp., purchase, 522 Coxworth, R., degree, 277 Coy, C. L., Jr., degree, 467