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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
I3H BOARD OF TRUSTEES Challacombe, R. A., degree, 444 Chally, A. E„ degree, 127 Chalmers, J. E., degree, 1236 Chalmers, W. E., appointment, 492, 625, 656, 1070 Chamberlain, T. W., degree, 1233 Chamberlin, Mrs. Lorraine, fellowship, 979 Chamberlin, R. S-, appointment, 770, 772 Chamberlin, W. J., appointment, 36, 560, 1144 Chambers, C. E., degree, 127 Chambers, P . D., degree, 1216 Chambers, E. D., degree, 1227 Chambers, J. T., degree, 1032 Chambers, W. R., Jr., degree, 1025 Champaign, city of, lighting improvement on streets adjacent to campus, 1186 Champaign Asphalt Co., contract, 92, 370, 810, 95o purchase, 64, 482, 1116, 1162 Champaign Builders Supply Co., purchase, 233 Champaign County, University property, payments in lieu of taxes, 828, 920 Champaign County Housing Authority, federal aid for University housing, request, 966 Champaign Mattress Factory, purchase, 481 Champaign Plumbing & Heating Co., contract, 23 change, 282 Champaign-Urbana businessmen, petition concerning IUini Union Coffee House, 88 Champion, Patricia J., degree, 458 Champney, Merle L., degree, 1245 Chatnpoux, Beverly J., degree, 1023 Chan, Sai-Pak, degree, 1205 fellowship, 1092 Chan, W., degree, 1218 Chancellor, R. C , appointment, 749 Chand, Kjshore, degree, 475 Chandler, F. A., appointment, 684, 70s gift, 1173 member of advisory committee, 243 research, gift, 68, 911 Chandler, J. F., Jr., degree, 447 Chandler, Mrs. Margaret K., appointment, 36, 568, 657 Chaney, Shirley J., appointment, 751 Chang, Chi-shih, degree, 260 Chang, Che-Tyan, degree, 1212 Chang, Hsioh-Teh, degree, 1249 fellowship, 841 resignation, 980 Chang, Jeannette K., degree, 848 Chang, Kuo-Sui, degree, 1016 Chang, L., degree, 441 Chang, Meng-Te, degree, 431 fellowship, 254 Chang, Peh-I, appointment, 831 degree, 931 Chang. S. Y., degree, 115 Changnon, Pauline E., appointment, 633 Chanler, Josephine H., appointment, 385, S°9i 56S Channon, S. L. ( fellowship, 979 resignation, 1008 Channon, H-, Co., purchase, 480 Chao, Bei-Tse, appointment, 36 Chao, M., degree, 263 Chaparro, M. A., appointment, 784 Chapin, R. E., degree, 854 Chaplin, C. E., appointment, 595 resignation, 842 Chaplin, D. D., degree, 1239 Chapman, Alice D., degree, 451 Chapman, C. A., appointment, 562 leave of absence, 292 Chapman, C. F., degree, 264 Chapman, C. R., degree, 276 Chapman, D. E., degree, 1028 Chapman, D. H., appointment, 364, 383 Chapman, D. W., degree, 1233 Chapman, Ethel, appointment, 57 cancellation, 108 Central Illinois Electric & Gas Co,, bonds, purchase, 974 Central Illinois Light Co., contract, 961 Central Illinois Public Service Co., contract, I0 39 . . Central Illinois seed increase and distribution fund, gift, 905 Central Indiana Coal Co., contract, 179 purchase, 63 Central Life Insurance Co. of Illinois, contract, 86 Central Manufacturers Insurance Co., insurance purchased, 522 Central National Bank and Trust Company of Peoria, lease, 187, 526 Central receiving station, temporary, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 485 Central Scientific Co., purchase, 25, 353, 394, 1116, 1161 Central Supply, Research and Educational Hospitals, budget, 702, 789 Central Underwriters Agency, Inc., hospital insurance, 86 Centrifuges, purchase, Bacteriology, 901, 950 Chemistry, 938 Physiology, 902 Psychiatry, 353 Ceramic Engineering, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 70, 484 budget, 606, 753 summer session, 377 fellows, 339, 1090 gift, di-electric heating unit, 907 fellowship, Green, A. P., Fire Brick Co., 67, 905 Orton, Ceramic Foundation, 67, 166, 1166 Owens-Illinois Glass Co., 90s Titanium Alloy Manufacturing Co., 1167 loan fund, 66 purchase, furnace wire, 280 hydraulic press, 279 laboratory press, 233 microscopes, 131 wire, 63, 393 work benches and stools, 480 Ceramics Building, acoustics, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 71 parking lot and service drive, resurfacing, 482 Cerbin, H., degree, 1218 Cerda, D., degree, 126 Cerebral palsy work, gift, 974 Cerling, a, A., degree, 1213 Cerny, J, F., certificate, 132 Certificate in Education, approved, ,1179* 1254 Certified Public Accountant, administration of law, regulations, amendment, 323 certificates, award, 25, 77, 92, 132, 173, 205, 292, 322, 407, 496, 817, 920, 969, 992, 1034, 1046, 1126, 1176 fees, 324 regulations, legislation, 530 Cervenka, W. F., degree, 458, 1211 Cesarone, C , degree, 1022 Chabhal, D. S., degree, 1205 Chaderton, J. C., appointment, 379, 722, 1141 Chadwell, J. T., legal services, 170 Chafaris, Mrs. Mary D., appointment, 757 Chai, Chang-Ba, degree, 261 Chaiken, R. F., degree, 860 Chaikin, Mrs. Rivian, appointment, 806 Chaikin, S. M., degree, 455 Chainski, E., appointment, 314, 337i 875 Chairs, purchase, Physical Plant, 280, 281, 479, 482 Robert Allerton Park, 351 Student and Staff Apartments, 1162 University High School, 279 Chalfant, Edith I., degree, 856 Chalfin, S., degree, 932
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