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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Carr, Norma E., appointment, 763 Carr, R., degree, 856 Carr, Sue C , degree, 465 Carr, W. H., appointment, 754 Carrasco, R. J., degree, 933 Carrell, Helen L-, degree, 1020 Carren, D. J., degree, 444 Carrico, J. E., appointment, 624 degree, 932 Carrigan, Honora T., appointment, 789 Carrington, C , appointment, 774 Carrington, M. A., appointment, 757 Carrithers, J. M., apointment, 377, 509, 624, 955, 1140 I3I3 Carroll, Mrs. Darlene W., appointment, 766 Carroll, Emma, appointment, 793 Carroll, G. T-, Jr., degree, 1032 Carroll, J. J., degree, 1225 Carroll, J. M,, degree, 1243 Carroll J- R-, Jr., appointment, 385, 613 Carroll, Nathalie, appointment, 806 Carroll, P. M., degree, 273 Carroll, Patricia, appointment, 793 Carroll, R. E., degree, 85s Carroll, R. J., degree, 1209 Carroll, Ruth M,, appointment, 700, 791 Carroll, W. B,, degree, 262 Carroll, W. E., appointment, 575, 585 Carruth, Mrs. Nathalia J., appointment, 758 Carruth, R. H., purchase, 481, 1261 Carson, I. M., degree, 1245 Carson, Janet W., degree, 1238 Carson, Maude, member of advisory committee, 243 Carson-Payson Co., bid, 197 contract, 419 addition, 150, 412, 503 heating and ventilating in Electrical Engineering Building, total cost, 367 Carson Pirie Scott & Co., purchase, 959* Il(j4 Carstens, H. P., appointment, 49, 870 Carter, A. K., degree, 859 Carter, A. L., degree, 448 Carter, A. M., appointment, 3&6> f>39> TT48 Carter, B. D., Jr., degree, 1227 Carter, D. G., appointment, 376, 580 salary adjustment, 1057 Carter, D. T., degree, 448 Carter, Donna, appointment, 794 Carter, G. L., appointment, 648 Carter, H. E., appointment, 556 discovery, license agreement, 1044 patent rights, release, 369, 917 Carter, Tsabelie B., degree, 124 Carter, J. B., appointment, 48, 869 Carter, J. C , degree, 1240 Carter, Mrs. Joan V., appointment, 768 Carter, Marilyn C , degree, 123 Carter, O., appointment, 780 Carter, P. S., certificate, 1034 Carter-Pennell farms, buildings, construction, contract, 28 Carthaus, Cynthia, degree, 460 Cartier, R. O., degree, 466 Carus, P., degree, 454 Cams, Mrs. Ruth F., resignation, 256 Carver, D, R,, appointment, T I 35 Cary, Max E., degree, 465 Carv, Melvin E., degree, 459 Casherg, C. H., appointment, 613, 1147 Cascino, J. P., appointment, 95, 872 Case, H. C. M., appointment, 376, 577 Case, R. W., degree, 448 Case, S. Q., degree, 1213 Casebeer, W. R., appointment, 747 Casebier, Eleanor, appointment, 379 Casebier, Nell J., degree, 1020 Casebier, Virginia E., degree, 1014 Caselli, J. D., degree, 125 Casey, Mrs. Adelia L., appointment, 738 Casey, Edward J., degree, 1030 Casey, Edwin J., degree, 473 Casey, J. R., degree, 121 Casey, Patricia M., degree, 464 Casey, R. F., degree, 120 Casey, R. J., degree, 277 Casey. Vivian C-, degree, 860 Cash, J. G., appointment, 587, 603 Cashmore, R. P., degree, 127 Caskey, F. E., fellowship, 1090 Caskey, G. R., Jr., degree, 1222 Casler, M. S., fellowship, 1092 declination, iog6 Casolari, D., degree, 1218 Casper, Edith F., degree, 1223 Casper, J. M., degree, 1014 Casper, R. F., degree, 277 Cass, G. D., degree, 858 Cassell, R. L. S., appointment, 391., 7 T ^ Cassels, W. H., appointment, declination, 44 resignation, 44 Cassidy, J. E., member of advisory committee, 365, 1176 Cassin, R. J., degree, 263 Castagno, J. D., degree, 444 Casteel, Barbara B., degree, 1227 Casteel, E., appointment, 771 Castello, H. M., degree, T245 Castleberry, H. P., appointment, 392, 509 Castleton China, Inc., gift, TT68 Castor, Mrs. Edith R., appointment, 768 Castor, G. L., degree, 125 Castor, R. W., degree, 1218 Casualty insurance, policy, 199 Catalano, Constance, appointment, 803 Catalano, J. V. L., degree, 269 Cataldi, H. A., degree, 929 fellowship, 254 Catalogs, printing, Chicago Undergraduate Division, 523 graduate college, 901 undergraduate study, 351, 982, 1065 Catchpole, H. R., appointment, 685 Cate, H. A., appointment, 831 degree, 857 Cate?, G. T., appointment, 36, 385 degree, 441 Cathcart, Mrs. Frances, appointment, 779 Cation, P. C., degree, 127, 1018 Cattell, R. P., appointment, 567, 620 Cattle. Wright Farms, purchase, 505 authority, 1185 Caucig, A. D., degree, 274 Caudill, Mrs. Lois S., appointment 798 Caudle, R, D.. degree. 1222 Cauldwell, E. \V., appointment, 55, 373, 685, 1005 j I ; i ! J I Camfield, J. B.. degree, 1245 Caulk, A. E., degree, 1227 Cavanaugh, Mrs. Joyce J., appointment, 251, 726 resignation, 980 Cavanaugh, Monica, appointment, 792 Cavanaugh, T. P., degree, 10x7 Caveney, Helen L., degree, 460 Caveny, C. C , appointment, 714 Cavitt, R. L., degree, 277, 1206 Cayci, M. A., degree, 437 Caywood, G. H., degree, 1213 Caywood, H. P., degree, 435 Caywood, R. K., degree, 1213 Cazort, R. J., degree, 1249 fellowship, 841, 927 Cechner, F. A., degree, 449 Cedarburg, J. O., degree, 1031 Cedarholm, J. P,, degree, 1220 Cederberg, J. O., appointment, 773 Cederberg, W. C , degree, 1235 Celino, M. S.. degree, 1211 Celmer, W. I)., degree, 1009 fellowship, 426 resignation, J 008 Cenar, Josephine, appointment, 800 Cenek, E. J., degree, 1020 Central Heating Co., purchase, 235
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