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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1312 Campbell, Campbell, Campbell, Campbell, Campbell, Campbell, Campbell, Campbell, Campbell, Campbell, 1141 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Richard Alan, degree, 1023 Richard Alden, degree, 448 R. E., degree, 462 Reta M., degree, 272 S, E., degree, 1206 T. C , degree, 127 W. C , degree, 1240 \V. H., appointment, 557 William Martin, degree, 1213 William Munro, appointment, 378, Cargill, Maxine J. t degree, 1226 Caridad, C , degree, 850 Carl, Fern, appointment, 592, 603 Carlander, Mrs. Teresa B., appointment, 755 Carley, D. W., appointment, 1141 Carley, W., appointment, 777 Carlisle, G. R., appointment, 586, 600, 603 Carlisle, Martha E., appointment, 831 degree, 465 Carll, C. L., degree, 122 Carlson, A. L., appointment, 745 Carlson, Anna, appointment, 787 Carlson, C. I., appointment, 153, 722 member of committee to hear charges against T. R. Allen, 1124 Carlson, D. A., degree, 265 Carlson, E. I., degree, 1202 fellowship, 342, 1093 Carlson, G. O., certificate, 206 Carlson, G. V., appointment, 772 Carlson, H, A., degree, 1239 Carlson, I. A. A., degree, 125 Carlson, J. E., degree, 860 Carlson, J. R., appointment, 733 degree, 1239 Carlson, L. J., degree, 1220 Carlson, M. E., degree, 459 Carlson, Mary C , degree, 1236 Carlson, O. F., & Co., purchase, 1259 Carlson, R. B., degree, 449 Carlson, Richard E., degree, 277, 1213 Carlson, Robert E., degree, 1021 Carlson, R. V., degree, 1227 Carlston, K. S-, appointment, 384, 645 Carlton, A. G., appointment, 95 Carlyle, C. G., degree, 271, 1016 Carlyle, W. J., degree, 1032 Carman, F., certificate, 1034 Carmell, Joan S., degree, 269 Carmichael, Dorothy M., degree, 451 Carmichael, H, T., appointment, 689 Carmichael, Mary E., degree, 1023 Carmichael, R. D., appointment, 564, 620 Carmody, Lois J., degree, 460 Carmody Mary E., degree, 433 Carmody, Mrs. Nina, appointment, 796 Carnahan, Betty M., degree, 455 Carnahan, D. H., appointment, 561 Carnahan, L. G,, degree, 1223 Carnahan, R. E.f degree, 115, 1197 fellowship, 339, 840 resignation, 842 Carnap, R., appointment, 967, 976 Carncross, G, E., degree, 861 Carne, H. G., certificate, 132 Carnegie, D. W., degree, 1021 Carnegie Corporation of New York, request, financial support of library program, 171 Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, grant for seminar on the Atlantic Pact, 368 Carnes, R. C , degree, 1208 Caro, M. R., appointment, 302, 373, 868 Caron, E. L., degree, 115 Caron, G. J., degree, 862 Caron, J. L., degree, 1237 Carozza, A. V., degree, 123, 848 Carozza, Mrs. Rosita, appointment, 775 Carpenter, A. R., Jr., degree, 277 Carpenter, D. E., appointment, 742 Carpenter, E, A., degree, 1027 Carpenter, K. D., member of advisory committee, 417 Carpenter, P. D., appointment, 698 Carpenter, R ; L., degree, 1234 Carpenter, W. E., degree, 460 Carpeting, purchase, Physical Plant, 353 Robert Allerton Park, 351 Carr, A. J., appointment, 382 Carr, G. M., degree, 864 Carr, G. R., degree, 1232 Carr, I. Naomi, appointment, 36 Campbell, W. P., degree, 1218 Campbell, W. W., degree, 1205 fellowship, 339 Campbell Soup Co., gift, 16s Campion, R. T., certificate, 205 Campus Chest, gift, 903, 1164 Campus planning and development, consultant, employment, 967 Campus roads, road tar, purchase, 1260 Canady, H. G., appointment, 771 Cancellations of appointments, 44, 108, 156, 182, 304, 513, 841, 958, 980, 1055 Cancer exhibit, Museum of Science and Industry, contract, 177 funds, 909, 1170 Cancer research, gift, 69, 166, 167, 909, 910, 911, 912, 1171, 1172 Canedy-Otto Manufacturing Co., purchase, r, 354 Canepa, J. F., fellowship, 106 resignation, 427 Canham, R. G., degree, 471 Canik, R. C , degree, 1213 Cannariato, S. J., degree, 162 Cannon, J. D., Jr., degree, 461 Cannon Louise B., degree, 161 Cannon, W. E., degree, 258 Cannon, W. W., degree, 262 Cannon, Winona H.. degree, 861 Canterbury, L, B., degree, 849 Canton, A., appointment, 251, 569 Cantoni, G. L., appointment, 95 Cantor, I., degree, 443 Cantrall, Mrs, Margarete B., appointment, 633 Cantrall, W. R., degree, 45 r Cantrell, C. \V., degree, 1243 Cantril, H., book, printing, 982 Canty, Jean E., degree, 1031 Canuti, Elsa, appointment, 791 Canzoneri, J., degree, 464 Capalety, Dolores, degree, 269 Caperton, E. W., Jr., degree, 1222 Capillary circulation, influence of environmental factors, research, gift, 1172 Capital Coal & Coke Co., purchase, 953, 1051 Caplan, June A., degree, 1225 Caple, Gladys, degree, 1230 Caple, Gloria L., degree, 433 Capodice, Rose M., degree, 1236 Capp, A. O., Jr., degree, 858 Capp, C. C , degree, 465 Capparelli, Mrs. Ferdina J., appointment, 95 Capper-Ketcham Fund, budget, 602 Capps, J. D., degree, 1240 Capron, W. M., appointment, 314, 337, 626, Caps and gowns, rental, 393, 523, 982 Caputo, R. W., degree, 122 Carbonaro, Marietta, appointment, 796 Card, L. E., appointment, 585 Cardenas, R, H., degree, 864 Cardew, Emily C., appointment, 509 Cardiac research, gift, 1171, 1172 Cardiovascular training, funds, gift, 1172 Cardozo, R. L., degree, 274 Carey, A. C , degree, 466 Carey, C. M,, appointment, 51, 872 Carey. G. O., appointment, 561 Carey, J. E., degree, 1226 Carey, K. X., degree, 466, 1237 Carey, W. A., degree, 122 1191
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