UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 [PAGE 1319]

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Dyers, W. H. ( appointment, 381, 610, 1144 Byfield, G. V., appointment, 49, 870 Byland, Helen, appointment, 765 By-Laws, amendment, handling of petty cash and working funds, 11 Athletic Association, revision, 1130, 1154 referred to President and Comptroller, 1078 Bynum, Ruth E., degree, 120 Byotis, Lenora, degree, 433 Byram, A. L., degree, 858 Byram, Mrs. Betty J., appointment, 251 Byrd, Laura J., degree, 1230 Byrne, Alice, appointment, 390, 509 Byrne, D. F., degree, 436 Byrne, Loretto A., appointment, 699 Byrne, Mary A., appointment, 796 Byrnes, Barbara A., degree, 465 Byrnes, T. B., certificate, 496 Byrnes, J. C , degree, 1222 Cabinets, student and staff apartments, purchase, 1065 Cable, Physical Plant, purchase, 130, 307, goi Cabrera, E . , d e g r e e , 127 Cacioppo, Betty A., degree, 1230 Cacioppo, Catharine C , appointment, 754 Cadden, W. J., degree, 271 Cadwell, Lee M., degree, 12.1^ Cadwell, W. E.. degree, 857 Caesar, P. D., degree, 115, 1197 Cafeteria, See Home Economics Cafeteria. Cafeteria Building, contract, plumbing, addition, 19 Cafeteria equipment, Research and Educational Hospitals addition, contract, 940 Cages, Animal Hospital, appropriation, 335, balance reappropriated, 485 purchase, 394, 480, 1162, 1261 Cage sterilizer, Physiology, purchase, 982 Cagle, L. L., degree, 1032 Cagle, Mrs. Winifred B., appointment, 831, 1146 degree, 266 Cahn, \V., degree, 264 Cahn-Bronner, C. E., appointment, 685 Cahnmann, F., certificate, 205 Cain, J. H., appointment, 753 Cain, Mrs. Mary B., appointment, 790 Cain. S. V., Inc., purchase, 279 Cairns, D. F., degree, 1032 Cairns, J. H., degree, 466 Cairns, O. W., degree, 127 Cairns, S. S., appointment, 564, n g i lease, 187 Cairns. T. L., degree, 864 Calabrese, P. J., degree, 268 Calacci. D. J., degree, 127 Caladiuni seguinum, sterilization action, research, gift, 69 Calculating equipment, Agricultural Economics, appropriation, 148 Calder, C , degree, d49 Calder, Mrs. Grace H., resignation, 37s Calder, J. A., degree, 1218 CaUJer, Q. A., appointment, 746 Calderon, S. J., degree, 1232 Caldwell, Eleanor F., degree, 260 Caldwell, H. N., degree, 1237 Caldwell, J. J., appointment, 773 Caldwell, J. Q., certificate, 496 Caldwell, Madonna M., degree, 162 Caldwell, Rosemary S., degree, 118 Caldwell, W. S., degree, 1209 Calef, R. T., degree, 466 Caley, Gladys M., appointment, 798 Calhoun, D. H., certificate, 323 Calhoun, W. K., fellowship, 106, 339 Calibrator, Theoretorical and Applied Mechanics, purchase, 3S2


California Avenue, property at 1201 West, lease, 187 property at 1203 West, lease, 187 property at 1205 West, remodeling, appropriation, 29 contract, 29 California Co., gift, 67, 906 California Test Bureau, purchase, 522 Calimese, Ruth N., degree, 114 Calkins, R. L., degree, 162 Call, B. J., degree, 1022 Call, Lillian T., degree, 1202 Callahan, C. G., degree, 1232 Callahan, E. I. J., degree, 275 Callahan, F. M., degree, 1235 Callahan, H. R., degree, 461 Callahan, J. T., degree, 1235 Callahan, L. D., degree, 934 Callas, P. G., degree, 1212 Callaway, Elizabeth J., appointment, 739> 77^ Callen, L R., appointment, 682 degree, 475 Callow, L., certificate, 1034 Calloway, N. O., appointment, 48, 869 Calmer, Grace, appointment, 792 Calves, Agriculture, purchase, 64, 184 Calvetti, J. A., degree, 1240 Calvin, W. C , degree, 264 Calvin fellowship, gift, 906 Cambridge Instrument Co., Inc., purchase, 482 Camera equipment, Geology, purchase, 232 Camera motors, Physics, purchase, 959 Cameras, purchase, Aeronautical Engineering, 960 Chemistry, 393 Engineering Experiment Station, 354 Pathology, 960 Physics, 900 Speech, 1064 Cameron, Mrs. Genevieve, appointment, 770 Cameron, Jean L,, degree, 462 Cameron, Mary J., appointment, 807 Cameron, R. A., degree, 1227 Cammack, T. E., appointment, 251^ 626, 1142 Camp, Mrs. Angelene H., resignation, 255 See also Helleberg, Angelene D. Camp, Anna, appointment, 791 Camp, E. P., appointment, 791 Camp, H., member of advisory committee, 243 Camp, R. J., degree, 1217 Camp, S. H., gift, 912 Camp, W. J. R., appointment, 687 Campbell, D. J., degree, 466 Campbell, E. L„ degree, 124 Campbell, Mrs. Edna M., appointment, 769 Campbell, Fay, appointment, 747 Campbell, Frances L., degree, 123 Campbell, G. E., appointment, 803 Campbell, J. A., appointment, 48, 869 Campbell, James B., degree, 1031 Campbell, John B., degree, 930 Campbell, Joseph B., degree, 1030 Campbell, J. J., degree, 268 Campbell, J. R., Jr., degree, 1235 Campbell, J. W. M., degree, 269 Campbell, K. D., degree, 1243 Campbell, K. E„ degree, 1212 Campbell, L., appointment, 747 Campbell, L. K., appointment, 48, 868 Campbell, L. \V., certificate, 205 Campbell, M. W., degree, 449 Campbell, Martha B., degree, 1222 Campbell, Mrs. Martha S., appointment, 748 Campbell, Mary L., appointment, 767 degree, 1215 Campbell, N. A., degree, 448 Campbell, N. W„ degree, 263 Campbell, P. H., appointment, 54 Campbell, P. R., degree, 1220 Campbell, Patricia A., degree, 1222 Campbell, R., appointment, 408, 423, 626