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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Beaubien, M. S., appointment, 50, 871 Beauman, W. H., member of advisory committee, 178 Beaumont, R, A., degree, 858 Becak, R. H., degree, 1222 Becher, S. W., degree, 1216 Becht, J- E., appointment, 35 fellowship, 341, 1093 Bechtol, Florence L., degree, 1239 Bechtol, R. C , appointment, 54, 875 Bechtold, D. H., degree, 1022 Bechtold, J. H., degree, 263 Beck, C. A., appointment, 50 Beck, C. V., & Co., bid, 24 purchase, 953, 975 Beck, F. K., degree, 466 Beck, G. P., degree, 119 Beck, H. H., Jr., degree, 125 Beck, R- W„ degree, 448 Beckemier-Jansen Lumber Co., purchase, 164 Becker, Charlotte, degree, 1222 Becker, E. C , degree, 1015 Becker, E. L., appointment, 680 leave of absence 845 Becker, G. A., degree, 268 Becker, Mrs. Gertrude C , appointment, 765 Becker, I., appointment, 49 Becker, J., degree, 460 Becker, J. H., certificate, 1035 Becker, O. J-, appointment, 54, 875 Becker, R. A., appointment, 616 Beckerman, B. Q., certificate, 205 Beckers, Mary C., appointment, 790 Beckett, Grace, appointment, 626 Beckett, R., appointment, 777 Beckett, R. E., degree, 933 Beckman, A. O., Inc., purchase, 1038 Beckmann, A, F,, degree, 864 Beckmann, M., painting, purchase, 1117 Becknell, Marilyn E., degree, 451 Bedell. D. T., degree, 373 BeDell, N. E., degree, 461 Bedenkop, \V, L., Jr., degree, 266 Bederman, Jeanne I., degree, 451 Bedinger, P. L., appointment, 94, 682 Bedrick, T., appointment, declination, 44 Beds, student and staff apartments, purchase, Beebe, R. W., degree, 271 Beedle, Mary L., degree, 445 Beef Cattle Feeding Shed, improvement of feed lots, appropriation, 824 Beesack, P. R, P., fellowship, 1093 declination, 1096 Beeson, T). M., degree, 1014 Beeson, Mrs. Frances L., appointment, 745 Beetz. S. F., gift, 905 Begando, J. S., appointment, 377, 1140 Begg, Eva, appointment, 792 Beguesse, H. H., appointment, 57, 878 Behan. P. FT, degree, 466 Behr, C. E., Jr., degree, 863 Behr, J. & Sons, Inc., purchase, 306, 355, Behr, W. C. A., degree, 264 Behrends, D. F., degree, 466 Behrendt, W. F., degree, 1032 Behrens, W. A., degree, 861 Beidelman, J. L., degree, 267 Beier, V. C , degree, 850 Beightler, W. and E., contract, 973 Beil, M. L., degree, 277, 1018 Beile, J. H., degree, 1023 Beilen, D. S., appointment, 57, 878 Beinar, P. J., appointment, 49, 870 Bekenneier, H. \V., Jr., degree, 1021 Belcher, D. W., appointment, 314, 337. 627 Belford, E. M., degree, 1230 Belford, Velsie A., degree, 1031 Belinson, L., appointment, 57, 878 Bell, E. O., degree, 454 Bell, F. A., degree, 263 Bell, H. E., degree, 1227 1064 1162 1299 Bell, J. F., appointment, 379, 625, 1142 leave of absence, 1047 Bell, J. M., degree, 122, 1208 Bell, N. W., degree, 858 Bell, R. D., Jr., degree, 864 Bell, R. R., degree, 463 Bell, R. T., degree, 451 Bell, S. E., degree, 259 Bell, Shirley J., degree, 1222 Bell, W. W., degree, 469 Bellamia, Josephine, appointment, 796 Bellamy, J, E., appointment, 373> 382, 560 Bell & Howell Co., purchase, 393* 000 Bell & Zoller Coal Co., contract, 34, 179 purchase, 523, 1260 Belles, H., appointment, 757 BelHne, F. J., degree, 448 Bellinger, G. E., Jr., appointment, 754 Bellinger, J, W,, degree, 1235 Bellis & Miller, contract, 8, 406, 1074, 1126 changes, 961 Belnap, Dorothy A., degree, 1226 Belrose, A., degree, 1237 Belt, J. F., degree, 274 Belt. Jean R., degree, 863 Belting, Natalia M., appointment, 383, 564 Bemis, A. C , degree, 1217 Benaglio, R. V., degree, 853 Bcndel, W. L., fellowship, 1094 declination, 1096 Bender, A., degree, 459 Bender, B. G-, degree, 447 Bender, C. C., appointment, 570, 1191 fellowship, 1136 Bender, Eleanor C , degree, 1201 Bender, F. C , degree, 471 Bender, J., Inc., purchase, 240 Bender, J. A., appointment, 830 Bender, Ruth D., degree, 451 Bendes, M. A., degree, 277, 1213 Benedale Farm, contract, 235 Benedict, B. W., authority to sign name of President of Board, 287 Benedict, Dorothy, appointment, 793 Benefiel, P. B., degree, 264 Beneke, E. H., degree, 1218 Beneke, E. S., degree, 157 Benensohn, S. J., appointment, 683, 830 Benford, M. C , appointment, 53, 684, 702, 873 cancellation, 1055 Bengard, E. D., degree, 863 Bengel, R. R., degree, 447 Bengtson, F. J., degree, 1222 Bengtson, M. H., certificate, 205 Benham, M. N., degree, 1222 Benjamin, F. B., degree, 1250 fellowship, 344, I oo7 Benjamin, O. E., degree, 461 Benjamin, R. J., degree, 1022 fellowship. 979, i°95 Benjamin, R. K., appointment, 377, 1139, degree, 436 Benjamin, W. O., degree, 448 Benmuvhar, E. I., degree, 1205 Benne, K. D., appointment, 380, 629, 1142 Benner, Thomas Eliot, appointment, 380, 628 Benner, Thomas Eliot, Jr., degree, 1231 Bennett, Beverly J., degree, 458 Bennett, D. G., appointment, 607 Bennett, G. A., appointment, 685, 7°5 Bennett, J. R-, appointment, 49, 869 Bennett, K. C , Jr., degree, 433 Bennett, Nancy C , degree, 451 Bennett, Pauline L., degree, 263 Bennett, W. R-, fellowship, 341 Bennewitz, W. C , degree, 860 Benoist, D. L., degree, 449 Benoit, Mrs. Margie E., appointment, 390, 721 resignation, 841 Benscoter, Mary J., degree, 863 Bensen, K. G., degree, 1216 Bensew, A. W., degree, 856
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