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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1290 Anderson, Anderson, Anderson, Anderson, Anderson, Anderson, Anderson, Anderson, Anderson, Anderson, Anderson, Anderson, Anderson, Anderson, Anderson, 1164 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Robert W., degree, 459 Ruth, appointment, 7g7 Ruth M., appointment, 732 S. A., degree, 127 S. E., degree, 274 S. P., degree, 1025 T. E., Jr., degree, 1031 T. O., Jr., degree, 1222 T. \V., degree, 122 Vernon E., degree, 1023 Victor E., appointment, 749 Vesta E„ degree, 45 7 Mrs. Virginia N., appointment, 737 Wainwright. degree, 466 William, scholarship, gift, 903, Animal Hospital, cont'd budget, 679, 781 floor drain and trough, installation, contract, 1187 purchase, cages, 394, 480, 1162, 1261 equipment, 1117 ventilating system, 960 Animals, use of sulfonamides in treatment of diseases, study, 185 Animal Science, advisory committee, 178 appropriation, light horse program, balance reappropriated, 70 sanitary facilities in Sheep Barn, installation, 1181 swine feeding plant alterations, 191 tractor, 191 budget, 585, 746 salary adjustments, 1058 summer session, 376, n 39 fellows, 339, 1089 purchase, cattle, 64, 131, 353, 480, 481, 901, 959 sheep, 130, 902, 1258 truck, 306 remodeling 406 Davenport Hall, contract, 3=8 research, gift, 905, 1167, 1168 Animal Sciences Laboratory, builders' all-risk insurance, purchase, 1261 contract, electrical work, 1074 elevators, 1074 general work, 1074 heating, 1074 laboratory equipment, 1074 plumbing, 1074 refrigeration, 1074 ventilation and air conditioning, 1074 name, 992 release of funds, architectural and engineering services, 823 construction, 1127 movable equipment, 1127 Animal sheds and pans, Zoology, appropriation, 99s Anison. G. C., appointment, 54, 229, 876 Annable, Patricia C., appointment, 1145 Annin, W. C , degree, 265 Annis, R. L., degree, 1245 Annis, R. W., appointment, 251, 612, 830 resignation, 156 Anovitz, Phyllis L., degree, 1238 Ansley, R. J., degree, 455 Anstadt, F., certificate, 1034 Anstey, T. H., appointment, 595, 601 declination, 928 Antacid compounds, research, gift, 908 Antennas, airborne, study, 236 Anthofer, Irmgard, degree, 854 Anthonisen, M. W., degree, 269 Anthony, H. E., degree, 1235 Anthropology, See Sociology and Anthropology. Anita, F. P., degree, 476 fellowship, 106 resignation, 841 Antibiotics, process of preparing, discovery, patent rights, release, 369 research, contract, 525 gift, 165, 1169 Antihistamine, research, gift, 908, 1167 Antilla, L. A., degree, 122 Antle, R. M., degree, 863 Antonio, M., degree, 441 Antrim, E. V., degree, 1019 Apartment building, Chicagd, architectural services, 78, 145* 403, 991 construction endorsed by University, 6 financing, 289, 402, 403 legal services, 991 real estate appraiser, employment, 402 status, 136 See also Student and staff apartments. Aplington, J. P., degree, 277* 1213 Anderson, W. A., degree, 272 Anderson, W. E., degree, 277 Anderson, Wendell G., degree, 846 Anderson, William G., degree, 1222 Anderson, W. R-, appointment, 390, 723 Anderson, W. W., degree, 449 Anderson, Wilberta J., degree, 1025 Anderson, Y., H I , degree, 1209 Anderson, Zoe E., degree, 1009 Anderson Electric Co., Inc., contract, 84, 1128 Anderssohn, H. A., Jr., degree, 1240 Andes, H., Jr., degree, 127 Andler, L. P., degree, 439 Ando, T., appointment, 798 Andrade, Graciela, degree, 259 Andreasky, J. A., degree, 1032 Andresen, R. H., appointment, 52, 872 Andrew, C. C , appointment, 771 Andrew, F. W,, appointment, 580, 600 salary adjustment, 1057 Andrew, M., degree, 448 Andrews, A. C , Jr., degree, 1021 Andrews, A. H., Jr., appointment, 54, 875 gift, 9 n Andrews, A. I., appointment, 606 Andrews, Alice E., degree, 159 Andrews, Betty V., degree, 3024 Andrews, H. L., appointment, 558 Andrews, Helen R., appointment, 546 Andrews, James Burton, appointment, S78, 600 salary adjustment, 1057 Andrews, James Burton, Jr., degree, 1021 Andrews, J, C , degree, 854 Andrews, M. C , degree, 117 Andrews, Mrs. Marian, appointment, 799 Andrews, Mary A. H., degree, 1230 Andrews, Norma J., appointment, 769 Andrews, Sylvia J., degree, 457 Andrews, Verna O., degree, 112 Androgen secretion, research, gift, 67, 1167 Andros, J. G., appointment, 580, 601 resignation, 1137 salary adjustment, 1057 An ell, Esther W-, appointment, 661, 1088 Anesthesia, budget, 702 clinical faculty, 59, 881 research, gift, 1169 Angel, J. W., degree, 1244 Angelillo, Jeanette, appointment, 797 Angell, C., appointment, cancellation, 108 Angell, J- S.j appointment, 52, 873 Angier, Maizie J,, degree, 1215 Anglemier, Mrs. Arlene E., appointment, 735 Anikstein, S., degree, 127 Animal Genetics Building, addition, appropriation, 300 balance reappropriated, 486 contract, general work, 300 heating and ventilating, 300 remodeling, appropriation, 175 balance reappropriated ? 486 Animal Hospital, appropriation, air-conditioning equipment, 824 balance reappropriated, 72, 485 cages, 335, 995 remodeling, 499 i j j ; i j j j j
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