UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 [PAGE 1297]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950
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American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education, gift, 167 American Historical Association, annual reports, gift, 165 American Hospital Supply Corp,, gift, 908, 1169 American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, gift, 66 American Instrument Co., purchase, 130, 183 American Insurance Co., purchase, 1260 American LaFrance Foamite Corp., purchase, 232 American Legion Auxiliary, Naval Unit No. 372, gift, 912 American Life Convention, gift, 1167 American Machine & Metals, Inc., Riehle Testing Machines Division, purchase, 353 American Medical Association, gift, 69, 167, 909 American Pharmaceutical Association, gift, 167 American Platinum Co., purchase, 393 American Red Cross, gift, 69, 1170 American Rolling Mill, purchase, 351 American Seating Co., purchase, 279 American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers, contract, 036 Research Laboratory, gift, 909 American Sterilizer Co., purchase, 234, 280, 1116 American Telephone & Telegraph Co., bonds, purchase, 825 purchase, 901, 959 American Type Founders Sales Corp., purchase, 393 Ames, C. M., degree, 1014 Ames, J. A., degree, 1209 Ames, R. N., degree, 447 Ames. R. W., degree, 1199 fellowship, 342 Ames, W., insurance purchased, 522 Amines, effect in hypertension, research, gift, 909, 1169 Amino acids, research, gift, 909, 910, 1168, x 170 Amling, Mrs. Sue C , appointment, cancellation, 108 Amling, \V. H., degree, -264 Amnion, J., Jr., degree, 444 Amos, D. H., degree, 1202 Amplifiers, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, purchase, 306 Amsbary, Mrs. Frances, appointment, 737 Amsbary, G. S., appointment, 302, 382, 550 Amtman, L. E., appointment, 48, 869 Amundsen, A. N., degree, 1028 Amundson. D. H., degree, 1240 Amurol Products Co., gift, 1169 Anaconda Wire & Cable Co., purchase, 164, 307 Analgesia, research, gift, 908, 909 Anast, G. T., degree, 1222 Anastopoulos, V. B., appointment, 830, 1005 fellowship, 254 Anatomy, budget, 679, 781 clinical faculty, 47, 867 dissecting table, bottoms, purchase, 1116 rehabilitation, appropriation, 995 graduate curriculum, 1098 museum cases, purchase, 305 Anatomy Laboratory, contract, acoustical treatment, 328 lighting, 328 Ander, R. O., degree, 1218 Anderegg, A. H., degree, 1197 Anderhous, B., degree, 122 Anderlik, Mrs. Barbara C , resignation, 1194 AnderKk, R. E., degree, 1014 Andersen, H. E., Jr., degree, 1026 Andersen, R. A., degree, 1220 Andersen, Rachel K., degree, 1230 Anderson, Alan G., degree, 463 Anderson, Arthur G., appointment, 6231 " 4 °


Anderson, A. T., appointment, 579, 600 salary adjustment, 1057 Anderson, Archibald W., appointment, 380, 629, 1142 Anderson, Arthur Wilhelm, degree, 1220 Anderson, Arthur William, Jr., degree, 1231 Anderson, Mrs. Amy L. t appointment, 767 Anderson, Ann L., degree, 1025 Anderson, B., appointment, 773 Anderson, B. W., contract, 328 Anderson, Carl A., degree, 1019 Anderson, Charles A., appointment, 806 Anderson, C. D., appointment, 691 Anderson, Charles E., degree, 1211 Anderson, Clifford E., degree, 266 Anderson, C. H., degree, 446 Anderson, Charles R., degree, 122 Anderson, Chester R., appointment, 559 Anderson, C. W., degree, 864 Anderson, D. C , degree, 112 I Anderson, D. D., degree, 1030 Anderson, Daniel E., degree, 277 j Anderson, Donald Eugene, degree, 1019 j Anderson, Donald Eugene, degree, 1240 Anderson, D. M.. degree, 1240 Anderson, D. R., degree, 1021 Anderson, Donald Taylor, degree, 274 Anderson, Donald Thomas, degree, 1201 Anderson, Edgar A., degree, 447 Anderson, Elmer A., certificate, 1034 Anderson, Edward Carol, degree, 444 Anderson, Edward Charles, degree, 846 Anderson, E. Y., degree, 1231 Anderson, E. O., degree, 864 Anderson, Eleanor J., degree, 1201 Anderson, F. H., degree, 863 Anderson, F. W., degree, 121 Anderson, G. F., appointment, 1177, 1191 Anderson, G. K.( degree, 271 Anderson, Mrs. Geneva B., appointment, 786 Anderson, Gertrude R., degree, 464 Anderson, Gloria E., degree, 272 Anderson, l i . E., degree, 446 Anderson, H. S., degree, 1234 Anderson, H. V., degree, 929 resignation, 108 Anderson, Harold W., appointment, 54 Anderson, Harry W., appointment, 594 leave of absence, 1047 salary adjustment, 1060 Anderson, Ilenry \V., degree, 1028 Anderson, Hilda, appointment, 793 Anderson, I. G., Jr., degree, 1237 i Anderson, Isabel, appointment, 7^3 Anderson. J. C , appointment, 583 I Anderson, J. D., appointment, 566, 1149 Anderson, J. H., degree, 1032 Anderson, J. L., degree, 1197 fellowship, 339 Anderson, Jesse R., Jr., degree, 447 Anderson, John R., degree, 471 Anderson, Mrs. Jacqueline, appointment, 739 1 Anderson, Jeanne E., appointment, 804 Anderson, K. E., degree, 466 I Anderson, L., appointment, 748 Anderson, L. N.. degree, 1226 Anderson, L. R., appointment, 746 Anderson, Mrs. Lucy J., resignation, 44 Anderson, M. C , degree, 1021 Anderson, Mrs. Margaret, gift, 903, 1164 Anderson, Margaret L, appointment, 796, 976 Anderson, Margaret J., degree, 455 Anderson, O. H., certificate, 407 Anderson, P. H., degree, 1216 Anderson, R., services, payment, 88 Anderson, Raymond C , degree, 1226 Anderson, Robert C , degree, 1014 Anderson, R. E., appointment, 765 Anderson, R. J., degree, 464 Anderson, R. R., degree, 434 Anderson, R. T., appointment, 744 Anderson, Raymond W., appointment, 744