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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1288 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Allison, Mrs. Constance F., appointment, 741 Allison, D. E.f degree, 1237 Allison, E. 1*., & Co., contract, 483, 1049 Allison, J. L., degree, 269 Allison, R. E., degree, 262 Allison, R. H., degree, 1245 Allott, Millie Y., appointment, 737 Allott, Ruth A., degree, 1222 All-University Forurri' Committee, use of University premises for political meetings, endorsement, 1069 Almblad, C. W,, degree, 1237 Almquist, C. O., appointment, 58, 879 Almy, G. M., appointment, 616 Almy, Millie, appointment, 363, 381, 1143 Aloe, A. S-, Co., purchase, 183, 184, 232, 393, 480, 959. 983, 1065, 1161 Alpers, L. D., degree, 1235 Alpert, G. E., degree, 469 Alpert, H. H., degree, 1248 Alpha Gamma Delta Sorority, gift, 974 Alrutz, Mrs. Wilma, appointment, 742 Alsberg, W. L., certificate, 205 Alseth, Hilda J., appointment, 647, 663, 1088 Alt, Gladys M., degree, 862 Altenberg, M. R., degree, 1023 Altenbern, R. A., degree, 257 Altenburg, Betty J., degree, 1222 Alter, W. A., degree, 1235 Altgeld Hall, electrical distribution system, improvements, engineering services, 999 remodeling, appropriation, 1077 balance reappropriated, 486 contract, 32 Althoff, L. C , degree, 125 Altman, Charlotte H., appointment, 47, 868 Altrogge, J. J., degree, 269 Altschul, S., appointment, 878 Aluminum alloy, fatigue strength, study, i n ? Alumnt Association, paper, purchase, 163, 901 services to Athletic Association, payment, 17, 921 Alumni Committee, members, 287 Alumni Relations and Records, budget, 550, 740 Alvarez, Leonor R., degree, 269 Alvin, H. C , degree, 1213 Alwin, H. F., degree, 854 Alznauer, R. L., appointment, 955 Amacher, C. L., degree, 1030 Amacher, P. G., degree, 473 Amacher, Phyllis M., degree, 445 Amador, L. V., appointment, 94, 872 Amant, C. L., degree, 1220 Amboy High School, Future Farmers of America, gift, 904 Ambrose, E. R., degree, 1210 Ambrose, J. J., degree, 862 Ambrose, L. R., degree, 461 Ambrose, Miriam J., degree, 1235 Amelianovich, Vera, degree, 934 Anient, W. A., degree, 857 American Book-Stratford Press, Inc., puichase, 479 American Bottlers of Carbonated Beverages, contract, 236 American Cancer Society, gift, 69, 167, 909, 1167, 1170 grants in aid of research, patent policy, 1184 American Chemical Society, gift, 68 American College of Physicians, gift, 909 American Cyanamid Co., gift, 67, 166, 905, 1165, 1167 American Dry Milk Institute, contract, 235 American Equitable Insurance Co., insurance purchased, 522 American Federation of Arts, contract, 355. 1258 film, rental, 1039 American Foundation for High Blood Pressure, gift, 909 Alfers, J. G., degree, 1240 Alhambra Experiment Field, discontinuance, 952 Alim, A., degree, 430 Alk, A. A., certificate, 817 Alkyl carbonates, research, gift, 908, 1169 Allaman, J. H., degree, 444 Allan, R. S., degree, 463 Allard, R. D., degree, 1233 Allaway, W. H., degree, 864 Allen, A, B., degree, 1239 Allen, A. J., certificate, 1176 Allen, A. W., appointment, 377, 606 Allen, Mrs. Ann, appointment, 776 Allen, C. M., appointment, 633 degree, 1011 Allen, C. W., degree, 1206 Allen, D. C , appointment, 382 book, printing, 480 Allen, E, D., appointment, 51, 872 Allen, E. W., certificate, 205 Allen, G. E., degree, 1031 Allen, H., Jr., appointment, 94, 633 Allen, H. K., appointment, 35, 379, 625 Allen, Harry R., appointment, 35, 390, S30 Allen, Herman R., degree, 1240 Allen, H. W., degree, 1027 Allen, Harriet B., litigation, legal services, payment, 945 Allen, Hazel, appointment, 756 Allen, J., Jr., appointment, 638, 664, 1088 Allen, J. H., degree, 462 Allen, J. H. D., appointment, 569, 1150 Allen, J. K., degree, 1018 Allen, J. M., degree, 857 Allen, J. P., degree, 1244 Allen, J. S., appointment, 387* 616 Allen, J. W., degree, 448 Allen. M. W., degree, 1220 Allen, R. E., Jr., degree, 466 Allen, R. F., degree, 444 Allen, R. L., degree, 1235 Allen, R. W., degree, 1025 Allen, T. D., appointment, 52, 873 Allen, T. R., appointment, 804 discharge, hearing committee, 1124 Allen, W. D., degree, 1022 Allen, W. R., appointment, 94, 719, 1153 Allergy Clinic, gift, metabolator, 912 respirometer, 908 funds, 1173 Allergy gift fund, addition, 911 Allergy research, gift, 909, 911 Allergy Unit, gift, 165 laboratory table, purchase, 902 Allerton, R., gift, 66, 903, 1164 Allerton Center, converting and remodeling, appropriation, 296 furniture, purchase, 306 Allerton Farms, cribs, repair, contract, 950 elevator, lease, 1063 purchase, lightning rods, 960 limestone, 61, got rock phosphate, 130, 901, 959 roads, improvement, 84 taxes, payment in Heu of, 921 Allerton Park, See Robert Allerton Park. Allerton scholarships, appointment, 427 gift, 66, 903, 1164 Alles, L. A., degree, 1019 Alles, Mrs. Lois T., appointment, 624 Allexan, J. R., degree, 466 Allhands, Helen L. H., degree, 1230 Allied Chemical & Dye Corp., gift, 166, 1165 Allied Radio Corp., purchase, 982 Allied Structural Steel Companies, bid, 298 Allin, F. W., appointment, 55 Alii c- Chalmers Manufacturing Co., contract, '37, 922 addition, 502 license, use of inventions on betatron improvements, 917 purchase, 184, 281, 983
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