UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 [PAGE 1293]

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Aaron, J. E., degree, 1239 Aarvold, J. O., Jr., degree, 1220 \bbot, H. L., degree, 862 Abbot, R. R-, degree, 161 Abbott, J. C , fellowship, 426 declination, 980 Abbott, J. R., degree, 1213 Abbott, L. A., member of advisory committee, 178 Abbott, R. M., degree, 461 Abbott, W. K., degree, 125 Abbott, W. M., degree, 444 Abbott Laboratories, gift, 69, 165, 167, 908 license agreement, streptomycin products, 1044 purchase, 163, 1063 Abbott Power Plant, addition, contract, condensing equipment, 826 construction, 1051 cooling tower, 826 electrical equipment installation, 1129 equipment, 922 piping system, addition, 29 structural steel, 972 superstructure, addition, 85 turbine generator, 826 engineering services, 82 funds, release, 80, 823, 947, 996, 1077,


labor and materials, additional charges, 237 contract, boiler repairs, 1074 generating equipment, 249 steel for floor base, 2g8 water treating equipment, 237, 409 engineering services, equipment installation, 65, 501 painting, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 530 power production increase, funds, 361 turbine capacity increase, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 71, 486 water treatment equipment, general work, bids rejected, 409 Abbott Research Laboratories, gift, 68, 1167, 1169 Abdula, F., degree, 1220 Abe, A. T., degree, 1235 Abegg, Barbara C , degree, 465 Abell-Howe Co., contract, 193 Abels, Janice C , degree, 454 Abiltrup, Margaret, appointment, 797 Abou-Taleb, N. M., degree, 853 Abrahams, K. F., degree, 274 Abrahamson, H. W., degree, 123-3 Abrams, A. A., degree, 448 Abrams, B. L., degree, T27 Abrams, H., degree, 466 Abrams, P. A., degree, 1029 Abrams, S. B., degree, 123 Abramson, D. I., appointment, 48, 869 Abreu-Gomez, E„, resignation, 156 Abromowitz, Ada, appointment, 796, 976 Academic and administrative budget, Chicago Professional Colleges, 673 Chicago Undergraduate Division, 713 Urbana-Champaign departments, 536 Academic freedom, case of R. H. Blodgett, report of fact-finding committee, 1189, 1269 report of President of University, 1189, 1276 Academy for United States Air Force, status, 250 ACA Gallery, purchase, 1117 Accountancy, advisory committee, 416 fellows, 1089 See also Business Organization and Operation.

Accountancy, Board of Examiners, appointments, 79, 147, 818, 1176 Accountancy Committee, amendment of regulations governing administration of law relating to certified public accountants* recommendation, 323 budget, 553 C.P.A. certificates, award, 25, 77, 92, 132. 173. 205. 292, 322, 4071 496, 817, 92°* 969, 992, 1034, 1046, 1126, 1176 examination paper, purchase, 233 Acbuff, Margaret B., degree, 1222 Achuff, Q, G., degree, 1222 Acids, amino, research, gift, 68 purchase, 62, 131, 353> 9°o> 937> 12S9 Acker, D. S., fellowship, 1090 Acker, Geraldine E., appointment, 830 Acker, Nancy J., degree, 1026 Ackerman, M. E., degree, 1028 Ackerman, P., degree, 277 Ackerman, R. H., certificate, 173 Ackerson, B. R., degree, 1218 Ackland, C , gift, 905 Ackman, R. L., degree, 443 Acrivos, A., fellowship, 1089 declination, 1137 ACTH research, gift, 1170 Acton, N. E,, degree, 863 Adair, D. J., degree, 1213 Adair, Mrs. Ida M., appointment, 79i Adams, A. O., degree, 124 Adams, Catharine D., appointment, 955, 1143 declination, 1194 Adams, D. E., degree, 116 Adams, D. L., degree, 266 Adams, E. J., Jr., degree, 1230 Adams, F. D., degree, 1032 Adams, G. C , degree, 440 Adams, G. D., appointment, 617 discovery, patent rights, 917 Adams, H. W., degree, 1227 I Adams, J., Jr., degree, 447 1 Adams, J. G., fellowship, 979 1 Adams, J. H., degree, 1026 I Adams, L. A., appointment, 571 i Adams, O. W., degree, 124, 855 1 Adams, R., appointment, 556 ! appreciation of attainments, 965 testimonial, 1052 discovery, patent rights, release, 964 leave of absence, 173 letter of appreciation, 1085 Adams, R. E., degree, 1032 Adams, R. J., appointment, 976 Adams, W., degree, 1240 Adams, W. L., appointment, 758 Adams, W. P., degree, 438 Adams, W. W., appointment, 388, 570 Adams Fund, budget, 596, 750 Adamstone, F. B., appointment, 94, 389, 506, 571 Addis, F. R., degree, 259 Additional Cooperative Fund, agriculture, budget, 601 Adelberg, A. J., degree, 455 Adelman, J., degree, 1023 Adelman, L., degree, 268 Adelson, J. L., degree, 466 Adelson, L. H., degree, Z7-2 Adelson. M., fellowship, 343, 1095 Adkisson, R. A., degree, 267 Adler, L. D., degree, 127 Administration Building, re-roofing west wing, contract, 369 Administrative offices, budget, summary, 539, 675, 714 Admiral Canvas Co., purchase, 354
