Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1260 Item 5400 #35913 common links, chrome C.I. for stokers at Abbott Power Plant 285 kitchen wall cabinets to be installed in Student and Staff Apartments Four #Aj53CH Guth fluorescent fixtures; 29 jfAj53iH Guth fluorescent fixtures; 45 #A3532H Guth fluorescent fixtures; 64 pr. 1PM3342 Guth stem extensions One 7 ft. Steinway grand piano Furnish and spread approximately 10,000 gallons RT-10 road tar on campus roads 3 000 tons (approximately) screenings coal to be delivered as required during June, July, and August, 1950 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Department Physical Plant Storeroom Physical Plant Physical Plant Vendor Babcock & Wilcox Co., Chicago [June 22 Cost 2 700 00 Howard's, Monticello Lewis S. Colbert, Champaign Total Heider Electric Supply Co., Elgin f.o.b. Barberton, Ohio 6 933 96 2 850 00 9 7B3 96 1 981 70 f.o.b. delivered 3 746 63 delivered 1 925 00 Physical Plant Physical Plant Physical Plant Lyon & Healy, Chicago Illiana Construction Co., Urbana Republic Coal & Coke Co., Chicago Taylor-English Coal Co., Danville Bell & Zoller Coal Co., Chicago Total Crescent Electric Supply Co., Peoria 4 940 00 4 590 00 4 590 00 14 120 00 22 200 00 Incandescent and fluorescent lamps to be ordered as required by the U r b a n a c a m p u s and Chicago branches during the period July 1, 1950, to June 30, 1951 Physical Plant Storeroom One truck, 1 }4 ton, long wheel base with 12 ft. van body, solid side panels, no rear doors, complete with dual rear tires (700 x 20-10 ply)t overload springs, oil filter, heater, and defroster and hydraulic tailgate 1621 board feet §2 KD fir lumber; 6848 sq. ft. 4 x %]4," flexboard; 3008 sq.ft. 4 x 8 ^ * plywood; IOOO lineal ft. shoe mold; 4000 lineal ft. lattice; 36 casings; 36 door molds; 11 2'8" x 6 f 8 " - i ^ two-panel fir doors 60,000 reams 8 ^ x i o > 6 i6# sub. white mimeograph bond paper to be delivered as required during the coming year Fire and extended coverage insurance, including unearned premium coverage, subject to 80% co-insurance, effective June 30, 19S0- I o r three years, covering Allerton 4-H Memorial Camp Buildings in the aggregate amount of $50,000, and contents thereof in the aggregate amount of $8,580, with premium payable on an annual installment basis Fire and extended coverage insurance including unearned premium coverage in the provisional amount of 3200,000 on a monthly reporting form basis, effective July 29, 1950, for one year on the contents of the Illini Union Bookstore, Champaign, with authority to renew in the same companies for at least one additional year. (This coverage may be purchased on this risk only on an annual basis; the premium can not be any lower than indicated here.) Purchasing Office Sullivan Chevrolet Co., Champaign (estimated cost) plus 2% o.e. tax less 2% cash discount 2 517 38 Institute of Aviation Illini Lumber Distributors, Champaign 1 484 92 f.o.b. delivered Office Supply Store Bradner Smith & Co., Chicago 27 510 00 f.o.b. delivered to our warehouse 3 288 36 Extension Service in Agriculture and Home Economics Max Stark, Champaign, representing the American Insurance Co. Lini Union Bookstore J. Warren Montgomery, Urbana, representing Glens Falls Fire Co. Oren Lane, Peoria, representing the Liberty Mutual Co. Total 1 500 00 501 00 2 001 00