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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1258 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 22 work in substitution field outside of the the Department of 8, above. 9. T h e presentation of an acceptable master's thesis or of therefor as permitted or required by the Committee. io. T h e candidate may substitute two units in a related Department of Business Organization and Operation and Economics for any one of the fields detailed in sub-paragraph C O M P T R O L L E R S REPORT OF CONTRACTS EXECUTED MAY 1 TO MAY 3 1 , 1 9 5 O Amount to be Paid to the University With Whom Purpose Date United States Air Rates per Instruction for not more than five hundred May 15, 1950 Force contract Air Force personnel June i, 1950, to June 30, 1953 White & McTaggart Rates per May 11, 1950 Installation of coin operated Bendix home Co. contract laundry machines in Lincoln Avenue Residence and Student-Staff Apartment buildings Amount to be Paid by the Purpose With Whom Date University Rental of film "Visual Education for Archi$ 65 00 The American April 11, 1950 tects"— November 5 to 26, 1950 Federation of Arts With Whom E . N . DeAtley CONTRACT CHANGES EXECUTED Purpose Amount of Change Date Natural History renovation and ventilation $1 164 00 May 1, 1950 • ADJUSTMENTS I N AUTHORIZATIONS ISSUED PRIOR TO J U L Y I , 1949, UNDER COST-PLUS STANDING CONTRACTS With Whom Purpose Amount Lewis S. Colbert One adjustment #179 2s 1 Reliable Plumbing and Two adjustments 8 93 Heating Company Square Deal One adjustment 41 16 Electric Co. PURCHASES A. P u r c h a s e s Authorized The following purchases were mendations of the Director of Item Football gear for thirty-six players, plus practice pants, extra jerseys, and miscellaneous items for the Chicago Undergraduate Division football squad 130 yearling ewes authorized by the President's Office on the recomPurchases and the Comptroller. Department Vendor Cost $3 000 00 Chicago UnderMr. Lee A. Freeman, f.o.b. graduate 135 South LaSalle Street, wareDivision, Room 808, Chicago house Physical Education Animal Science 3 900 00 delivered (approximately) B. P u r c h a s e s R e c o m m e n d e d T h e Director of Purchases has proposed and the Comptroller recommends the fol lowing purchases. Unless otherwise specified, the purchase in each case is recom mended on the basis of lowest bid. Department Vendor Cost Item Industrial One ram type milling machine with Marshall & Huschart $2 525 50 Education adjustable cutter head, complete Machinery Co., Chicago f.o.b. with 1 h.p., 1150 r.p.m., 60 cycle Springfield, reversible motor, collets, profile Mass. stud, table and stop, slotting attachment, and arbors 1 560 00 Civil Engineering Baldwin Locomotive One microformer type high magnif.o.b. Works, Chicago fication stress-strain recorder; one Washington, model PS-5M averaging extenD.C. someter for use with a 120,000 lb. testing machine 1 Deduct.
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