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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1200 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Professional D e g r e e s Degree of Civil Engineer [June 22 MARSHALL HOLT, B.S., M.S., Ph.D., 1927, 1929, 1947 BERNT OSCAR LARSON, B.S., M.S., 1938, 1948 Degree of Electrical F R A N K EUGENE BUTTERFIELD, J R . , B.S., 1941 MARION STANLEY H E L M , B.S., M.S., 1933, 1934 Engineer Degree of Mechanical Engineer LAWRENCE EDWARD DOYLE, B.S., Yale University, 1930 CYRUS DALE GREPFE, B.S., 1940 QUENTIN COROT VlNES, B . S . , I 9 2 9 Degree of Master of Education CARL HARMOND BAUMGARDNER, B.Ed., Illinois State Normal University, 1942; A.M., 1949 EARL FOREMAN, A.B., A.M., Bradley University, 1934, 1948 KENNETH LAWRENCE HUSBANDS, A.B., University of Kansas City, 1937; A.M., University of Missouri, 1938 GEORGE COE LOREEER, JR., A.B., San Francisco State College, 1943; A.M., Stanford University, 1948 R A L P H HENDERSON THOMPSON, A.B., Dickinson College, 1934; A.M., University of Delaware, 1948 METTA MOUDY ZAHORSKY, B.S., M.S., 1940, 1945 Degree of Master of Social Work GERALDINE JEAN BREMMER, B.S., University of Wisconsin, 1933 ANNABELLE F A E BURDICK, A.B., 1946 FRANKLYN BURNS, B.S., 1948 MARY L U CORSER, A.B., Antioch College, 1948 THOMAS BENTON LITHERLAND, A.B., 1948 HELEN JANE READ, B.Ed., Illinois State Normal University, 1941 LELA BROWN RIDDELL, A.B., University of Kansas, 1940 D e g r e e of M a s t e r of A r t s In Accountancy HARVEY COLLINS SHERER, J R . , A.B., Vanderbilt University, 1934 In Architecture CHI-YUAN K U , B.S., Aurora University, 1940; M.S., 1949 In Chemistry H E L E N ELIZABETH DEWEY, A.B., Mt. Holyoke College, 1948 T I N Boo YEE, B.S., Arkansas State College, 1938; M.S., University of Arkansas. 1940 O W E N YORK, JR., A.B., Evansville College, 1048 In Economics JOHN WOOD BEALL, A.B., Ohio Wesleyan University, 1947 LEONARD JOSEPH BRALOWER, A.B., 1949 ROBERT ATKINSON HEDGES, B.S., University of Kansas, 1940 P A U L FREDRICK MUELLER, A.B., 1949 MORTON ISRAEL STOCKLER, A.B., W a y n e University, 1949 JOHN JOSEPH ZYGALA, A.B., Gannon College, 1949
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