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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
n86 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 2.2 APPOINTMENT OF PROFESSOR LYLE H. LANIER AS HEAD OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHOLOGY (27) The Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences recommends the appointment of Professor Lyle H . Lanier, now Professor and Head of the Department of Psychology at New York University, as Professor and Head of the Department of Psychology to succeed Professor Herbert Woodrow who has been granted sabbatical leave of absence for the first semester of 1950-1951 and who will retire from active service on September 1, 1951. In the meantime, P r o fessor Woodrow has requested that he be relieved of his duties as Head of the Department. It is desirable to have Professor Lanier's appointment begin September 1, 1950, but this is conditional on when he can be released from his present position. In any event, he is prepared to come to the University of Illinois not later than February I, 1951. I recommend (a) that the Board approve this appointment now, and (b) that the Executive Committee of the Board be authorized to fix the terms upon recommendation of the President of the University. O n m o t i o n of D r . M e y e r , t h i s a p p o i n t m e n t w a s a u t h o r i z e d a s recommended. STREET LIGHTING IMPROVEMENT IN CHAMPAIGN (28) The Campus Business Men's Association has been promoting the installation of a new street lighting system in the area adjacent to the University Campus on the Champaign side. T h e majority of the property owners have signed the petition for this improvement. The Association requests that the University participate by assuming its proportionate share of the costs as related to frontage of University property. This proposal has been studied by the Comptroller, the Director of the Physical Plant, and the Chairman of the Building Program Committee. They have advised that the program will provide desirable improved illumination and is in the interest of vehicular and pedestrian safety. The project has been modified to conform to suggestions made by the University and the plan of construction is satisfactory. The University's share of the estimated cost of the improvement on the Champaign side is $26,325. An effort was also made to develop a similarly needed improvement on the Urbana side. City authorities and property owners affected proposed a plan which University officials do not believe would provide adequate illumination for vehicular and pedestrian traffic. An effort has been made to secure a change in the Urbana program but present indications are that it will not go forward. I recommend that the Board of Trustees authorize the payment of the University's share of the new street lighting system on the Champaign side and that it record its agreement to participate in a comparable improvement on the Urbana side should municipal officials and property owners decide on a program of acceptable standard. O n m o t i o n of M r . F o r n o f , t h i s r e c o m m e n d a t i o n w a s a d o p t e d . CONTRACT FOR AGRONOMY GREENHOUSE PARTITION (29) There has been submitted, separately, a recommendation that an appropriation of $2,500 be made for remodeling of the Agronomy Greenhouse. This will include the construction of glass partitions. The Director of the Physical Plant and the Comptroller recommend award of a contract to Lord and Burnham, Des Plaines, Illinois, for $1,311 for materials (steel posts and framing and glass) to be used in erecting the partitions. This company specializes in greenhouse construction. It provided the materials for the original greenhouse and the materials it will supply will fit the original design. It is difficult to secure competitive bids on such materials because other firms usually are not interested in quoting on structural parts for greenhouses of other builders' designs and especially in the case of a small job. I concur and recommend that the Comptroller and the Secretary of the Board execute this contract.
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