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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
i95°] U N I V E R S I T Y OF ILLINOIS 1177 THOMAS J. HAGGERTY, Secretary-Treasurer, Chicago Milk Wagon Drivers' Union, Local 753, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, American Federation of Labor, 220 South Ashland Boulevard, Chicago; reappointed for three years. SAMUEL LEVIN, Vice-President, Amalgamated Clothing Workers' Union, 5005 Drexel Boulevard, Chicago; appointed in 1949 for three years. R. G. SODERSTROM, President, Illinois State Federation of Labor, Springfield, Illinois; appointed in 1949 for three years. CLINTON BUSH, State Legislative Chairman, Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Engmemen, 105 East 70th Street, Chicago 37; appointed in 1949 for two years. Management WAYNE A. JOHNSTON, President, Illinois Central Railroad, Chicago; reappointed for three years. COLONEL JOHN SLEZAK, President, Turner Brass Works, Sycamore, Illinois; appointed for three years. HENRY H . BOLZ, Secretary, Association of Commerce, Decatur; appointed in 1949 for three years. OLIVER E. MOUNT, Vice-President, American Steel Foundries, 410 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago; appointed in 1949 for three years. G. W . HOELSCHER, General Manager, East Side Manufacturers' Association, Granite City, Illinois; appointed in 1949 for two years. All of these people have agreed to serve. On motion of Mr. McLaughlin, these appointments were made as recommended. APPOINTMENTS TO THE FACULTY MADE BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSITY (4) The Secretary reported that the President has approved the following new appointments to the faculty of the rank of Assistant Professor and above since the previous meeting of the Board of Trustees: 1. G. F. ANDERSON, Assistant Professor of Education, beginning June 12, 1950, at an annual salary of $5,500. 2. COLIN R. BLYTH, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, beginning September 1, 1950, at an annual salary of $4,500. 3. RICHARD J. FALETTI, Assistant Professor of Law, beginning September 1, 1950, at an annual salary of $5,500. 4. QUINCY HOWE, Visiting Associate Professor of Journalism and Communications, beginning September I, 1950, at an annual salary of $7,500. 5. PAUL M. MARCUS, Research Assistant Professor of Physics, beginning November 1, 1950, at an annual salary of $5,400. 6. JOHN W . MARX, Assistant Professor of Physical Metallurgy, beginning September 1, 1950, at an annual salary of $4,000. 7. EDWARD F . MOORE, Assistant Professor of Mathematics (Graduate College), beginning September 1, 1950, at an annual salary of $4,200. 8. MERLE M. OHLSEN, Associate Professor of Education, and Head of Student Teaching, beginning September 1, 1950, at an annual salary of $7,500. 9. ALBERT WATTENBERG, Assistant Professor of Physics, beginning September 1, 1950, at an annual salary of $7,000. 10. CHARLES A. WERT, Research Associate Professor of Physical Metallurgy, beginning September I, 1950, at an annual salary of $5,500. On motion of Dr. Meyer, these appointments were confirmed. REQUIREMENTS FOR T H E DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE WITH HONORS IN THE LIBRARY SCHOOL (5) The University Senate recommends the following requirements be established to designate graduation honors for the degree of Bachelor of Science in the Library School: Honors: Average of 4.0 in all courses used for graduation, and no grade below B in any Library Science course.
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