Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
i95°] U N I V E R S I T Y OF I L L I N O I S "57 SECTION I I . Audits. The accounts of the Association shall be audited at least once each year by a certified public accountant approved by the Trustees, and the report of every such audit shall be transmitted to the Board and to the Trustees. ARTICLE VII. MEETINGS SECTION I . The regular meeting of the Board shall be held during the month of April in each scholastic year, at a date to be determined by the President of the Board. Four (4) members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. SECTION 2. Special meetings may be called by the President or a majority of the Board. ARTICLE V I I I . SELECTION OF THE ATHLETIC COUNCIL SECTION I . The Athletic Council shall consist of three members of the faculty, to be appointed by the President of the University; three alumni to be elected by the Athletic Council, two of whom shall not be connected with the University; the Director of Intercollegiate Athletics; the President of the Tribe of Illini, and the seven undergraduate student managers of the following sports: (1) football, (2) baseball, (3) track, (4) intramural athletics, (5) basketball, (6) wrestling, and (7) gymnastics, circus, and football pageantry. SECTION 2. The term of office of each faculty and alumni representative shall be three years, so arranged that the term of office of one of each group shall expire annually. SECTION 3. The undergraduate student managers shall be elected by the Athletic Council on the Wednesday following the annual Interscholastic meet, in accordance with rules fixed and published by the Athletic Council. SECTION 4. The captains and coaches of the Intercollegiate Athletic teams of the University shall be associate members of the Council, without the right to vote, and shall be entitled to attend meetings of the Council and to discuss matters relative to their respective interests. ARTICLE IX. OFFICERS OF THE ATHLETIC COUNCIL SECTION I . The Athletic Council shall choose a President, Vice-President, and a Secretary from among its undergraduate members, and they shall have the duties usual to such offices. ARTICLE X. M E E T I N G S OF THE ATHLETIC COUNCIL SECTION I . The first regular meeting of the year shall be called by the Director not later than the second Wednesday after registration. At this meeting the Council shall be organized by the election of officers. SECTION 2. The second regular meeting of the year shall be called by the President on the Wednesday following the annual Interscholastic meet. (See Art. VI, Sec. 7 and Art. V, Sec. 2e.) SECTION 3. Special meetings may be called at any time by the President of the Council at the request of two members of the Council. SECTION 4. Eight members of the Council shall constitute a quorum. At least two of these shall be faculty representatives or alumni. Voting by proxy shall not be permitted. The Council shall be governed by Roberts' Rules of Order. ARTICLE X L D U T I E S AND POWERS OF THE ATHLETIC COUNCIL SECTION I . The duties and powers of the Athletic Council shall be: (a) To make rules and regulations governing the election of student managers. (b) To make rules and regulations governing the granting of University letters and other awards. (c) To approve the election of captains of the athletic teams. (d) To make recommendation to the Board regarding all general questions of athletic policy. (e) To nominate a candidate for the Conference medal "for proficiency in athletics and in scholastic work." (f) To conduct such other business of athletic import as may arise which does not concern major policies of the Board.