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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
i95o] 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Salary I 334 1 156 I 334 934 267 267 178 "49 Physics R. F. Paton, Associate Professor R. I. Hulsizer, Assistant Professor R. D. Rawcliffe, Assistant Professor J . N . Snyder, Instructor W. A. Butler, Assistant {yi time) L. S. Pedrotti, Assistant (>£ time) M. H. Kalos, Assistant {% time) Physiology F . R. Steggerda, Professor S. G. Stolpe, Instructor J. D. Anderson, Instructor W. C. Clark, Assistant C. E. Smith, Assistant (yi time) J. W. Yusken, Assistant (J< time) Political Science F . G. Wilson, Professor C. B. Hagan, Associate Professor N. F . Garvey, Assistant Professor {% time) J. A. Ranney, Instructor C. O. Johnson, Visiting Lecturer Psychology Herbert Woodrow, Professor 0 . H. Mowrer, Research Professor W. G. McAllister, Associate Professor R. Elizabeth Brown, Assistant Professor J. B. Cohen, Assistant Professor (4/5 time) A. L. Irion, Assistant Professor (4/5 time) G. R. Grice, Assistant Professor (3/5 time) H. A. Grace, Assistant Professor (3/5 time) D. S. Pomeroy, Instructor Edward Ross, Psychiatrist (1/5 time) Social Welfare Administration 5 470 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. I 400 800 845 534 134 134 1 778 I 189 223 834 1 800 2 2 1 1 112 000 156 096 850 818 614 560 945 400 3 847 5 824 10 551 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. W. P. Simon, Associate Professor {}4 time) Edith L. Nagel, Assistant Professor ( K time) J. E. McDonald, Assistant Professor (yi time) Rachel B. Marks, Assistant Professor {yi time) D. Katharine Rogers, Assistant Professor Sociology and Anthropology 689 800 534 512 1112 3 647 1. F . W. Znaniecki, Professor {yi time) 2. B. F . Timmons, Associate Professor {yi time) (See Education) (Total Salary) 3. Oscar Lewis, Associate Professor 4. J. E. Hulett, Jr., Associate Professor 5. Robert Dubin, Associate Professor {yi time) (See Business Organization and Operation) (Total Salary) 6. J. C. McGregor, Associate Professor 7. R. S. Dewey, Assistant Professor 8. R. H. Bierstedt, Assistant Professor 9. Max Kaplan, Assistant 834 689 (689) (1 378) r 22 3 1 223 59 1 (59 2 ) (1 183) I 223 I TT2 1 112 622 8 629
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