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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
ii3o BOARD OF TRUSTEES [May 20 be authorized to execute such a contract when prepared and approved by the Office of the Legal Counsel. On motion of Mr. Nickell, this contract was approved and authority was given as recommended. CONTRACT FOR NEW ROOF ON TRANSPORTATION BUILDING (10) The roof on the Transportation Building, which was constructed in 1913 and has been in service for thirty-seven years, consists of slate shingle laid on horizontal wood shingle strips. The roof has deteriorated to such extent that further repair is impractical and complete replacement is necessary to prevent damage to the building and contents. The replacement job has been deferred because of shortages of material, labor, and of funds in previous years. Bids have been secured on the furnishing and installing of a new slate roof including copper valleys, ridge roll, and flashing above the cornice line. The Director of the Physical Plant and the Comptroller recommend award of a contract for $9,176 to Henry Reuter and Sons, Kankakee, the lowest bidder, for this phase of the work. In addition to this contract, there will be the general work of removing existing slate, installation of new wood sheeting, removal and replacement of wood cornice framing, removal and replacement of the copper cornice, and installation of new gutters and flashing. The Physical Plant Department has proposed to do this at an estimated cost of 531,400. Funds are available for this project. I recommend that this improvement, and award of the contract, be authorized. On motion of Mr. McLaughlin, this contract was awarded as recommended. CONTRACT FOR HEATING SYSTEM ON FIFTH FLOOR OF NATURAL HISTORY BUILDING (11) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Comptroller recommend the award of a contract of #4,300 to J. L. Robinson, Urbana, the lowest bidder, for heating system changes on the fifth floor of the Natural History Building. Funds were appropriated by the Board of Trustees on February 16, 1950 (Minutes, page 995), for remodeling and equipping of this area for the Department of Physiology. I concur and recommend that the Comptroller and the Secretary of the Board be authorized to execute this contract. On motion of Mr. Livingston, this contract was awarded and authority was given as recommended. ANNUAL COMPILATION OF FACULTY PUBLICATIONS (12) The Graduate College has been publishing annually a compilation of faculty publications pursuant to an action taken by the Board of Trustees on December 28, 1908. In the opinion of the Dean of the Graduate College and of the University Research Board of which he is Chairman, this annual compilation is no longer of sufficient importance and value to justify the publication costs. I concur in his recommendation that this practice be discontinued. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, this publication was discontinued as recommended. REVISION OF BY-LAWS OF ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION (13) The Board of Directors of the University of Illinois Athletic Association has revised its by-laws, and they are submitted to the Board of Trustees for approval (see Appendix, page 1154). The revisions are chiefly in the area of business operations. The Comptroller has worked closely with the Athletic Association in preparing the revisions. The changes result in clarification of procedures, particularly in purchasing and contracting, and in reduction of procedures to the minimum necessary to maintain adequate internal check. I recommend approval of the revised by-laws.
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