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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1950] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1129 The State appropriations for 1949-1951 for building and other capital improvements at the University include an item "Additions to Power and Heating Plant and Remodeling of Existing Buildings, $1,258,000," of which $880,000 has been budgeted for the additions to the power and heating plant and $420,000 for remodeling of existing buildings. The improvements in the Natural History Building, with an estimated total cost of $62,500, have a high priority among remodeling projects. The Director of the Physical Plant and the Comptroller recommend the award of a contract for $57,495. subject to the release of funds by the Governor, to C. A. Petry and Sons, Champaign, Illinois, the lowest bidder. I concur and request that the Comptroller and the Secretary of the Board be authorized to execute the contract subject to the release of funds by the Governor. On motion of Mr. Fornof, this contract was awarded and authority was given as recommended. CONTRACT FOR INSTALLATION OF ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT IN ABBOTT POWER PLANT (8) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Comptroller recommend the award of a contract for $64,306 to A. S. Schulman Electric Company, Chicago, the lowest bidder, for furnishing and installing electrical equipment as part of the addition to the Abbott Power Plant. The contract work will include connection of the electrical service on all equipment to be installed by other contractors, such as the turbine; the unloading, erection, and connection of equipment purchased and delivered to the site; installation of the main cable and all other inside plant wiring, control circuits within the plant, and complete grounding system for all equipment. Funds are available in the State appropriation for "Additions to Power and Heating Plant and Remodeling of Existing Buildings." I concur and request that the Comptroller and the Secretary of the Board be authorized to execute the contract, subject to the release of funds by the Governor. On motion of Mr. Herrick, this contract was awarded and authority was given as recommended. CONTRACT WITH CITY OF URBANA FOR DISPOSAL OF UNIVERSITY GARBAGE (9) The University uses the city dump of Urbana for disposal of its garbage, delivery to that place being made by the University. Local facilities are in need of improvement. In 1948, after a discussion between officials of the cities of Champaign and Urbana and representatives of the University, the engineering firm of Greeley and Hansen was engaged for a study of the problem, with the understanding that the University would pay one-fifth of the total expense (Minutes, November 19, 1948). Their report recommends that the "land-fill" method be followed as the most economical for the community and the University. A recent study of the operations for the past year indicates t h a t the proportion of operating costs which should be assumed by the University is approximately 30 per cent. The city of Urbana has requested that the University agree to assume this proportion of the cost until further notice, effective July 1, 1949, payments to be made quarterly, with the understanding that either party on reasonable notice may request in any given fiscal period that checks be made of deliveries to the dump in order to determine more accurately the University's proportion of such deliveries, and that the proportionate share paid by the University would be subject to adjustment in succeeding fiscal periods based on such a check. For t h e purpose of the agreement, "costs" shall be interpreted to mean land rental, wages and expenses in the operation of the dump, equipment purchases, and replacement costs. The Physical Plant Department has included funds in its budget for the current fiscal year sufficient to meet these expenses. It is estimated that for the year 1949-1950, the University's share on the above basis will not be in excess of $4,200. The Director of the Physical Plant and the Comptroller recommend that the University enter into such a contract for the biennium ending June 30, 1951, and to continue for succeeding periods until otherwise modified, subject to constitutional and statutory restrictions limiting commitments to each successive biennial period. I concur and recommend that the Comptroller and the Secretary of the Board
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