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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1126 BOARD OF T R U S T E E S [May 20 For t h e electrical work, alternate bids were taken on substituting incandescent for fluorescent lighting. It is recommended that t h e electrical contract be awarded to R. A. Bland Electric Company, Champaign, Illinois, which, on t h e basis of t h e alternate bid, is t h e lowest bidder, at a net figure of $36,665. For the mechanical work, it is recommended that awards be made to the lowest bidders as follows: Heating contract—Reliable Plumbing and Heating Company, Champaign $28 308 Plumbing contract—W. T. Mahoney & Sons, Chicago 11 180 Pipe covering contract—Bellis & Miller, Champaign. . 4 350 Ventilating contract—Schroeder's Ventilating, Champaign 17 211 61 049 Total $256 714 A budget of t h e project is submitted showing it can be completed for $320,000, as estimated on April 19. (The sum of $9,000 has been expended for plans and specifications as authorized by the Board on November 19, 1948.) The sum of $207,500 is available in the State appropriation for capital purposes, subject to release by the Governor. The remainder, or $rr2,50O, will require an appropriation from the General Reserve. I recommend that (1) these contracts be awarded and that t h e Comptroller and t h e Secretary of the Board be authorized to execute them; (2) a supplementary appropriation of $112,500 be made from General Reserve for this project. O n m o t i o n of M r . L i v i n g s t o n , c o n t r a c t s w e r e a w a r d e d a n d a u t h o r i t y given a s recommended. T h e appropriation w a s m a d e b y t h e following vote: A y e , M r . Fornof, M r . Herrick, M r . Hickman, M r s . Holt, M r . Livingston, M r . M c L a u g h l i n , D r . Meyer, M r . Nickell, M r s . W a t k i n s , M r . Williamson; no, none; absent, M r . Stevenson. AWARD OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT CERTIFICATES (2) The Committee on Accountancy recommends that t h e certificate of Certified Public Accountant be awarded, under Section 5 of the Accountancy Act of 1943, to the following candidates who have presented evidence that they are holders of valid and unrevoked Certified Public Accountant certificates obtained by passing a standard written examination in another state or territory of t h e United States and who qualify in all other respects under this provision of t h e law: OLIVER J O H N ARNOLD ( M O . ) ROBERT WILLIAM BALTZ (N.Y.) ROBERT F. HARTE (MO.) JACK STEWART L I N D E N (Mich.) J E S S H. R I C E (D.C.) O R U S B U R K E WORKMAN, J R . ( M O . ) I concur. O n motion of M r . Nickell, these certificates w e r e a w a r d e d a s recommended. APPOINTMENTS TO T H E 1 9 5 0 SUMMER SESSION STAFF (3) I submit the budget for the 1950 Summer Session. I t provides for an eight-week session at Urbana-Champaign and t h e Chicago Undergraduate Division (see Appendix, page 1138). Salaries of all members of t h e faculty who are recommended for appointments to t h e Summer Session staff are computed on t h e basis of two-ninths of t h e salary of the academic year for two months of summer service. This is in accordance with the terms of employment of t h e academic, administrative, research, and extension staffs authorized by the Board of Trustees on January 8, 1948 (Minutes, page 952). No additional compensation is paid to staff members whose regular appointments require services on a full-year basis. The budget totals $538,494 for Urbana-Champaign, $91,186 for t h e Chicago Undergraduate Division, and $20,000 to be assigned by t h e Dean of the Summer Session in terms of enrollment demands. I recommend that: 1. The appointments to t h e Summer Session staff and the allocation for unassigned salaries be approved as submitted.
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