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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
III8 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Amount to be Paid to the University Royalty of 10% of the sales price of each copy sold [April 19 Date December 10, 1949 With Whom University Microfilms Purpose License to photograph and sell microfilms of "Journal of English and Germanic Philology" ADJUSTMENTS I N AUTHORIZATIONS ISSUED PRIOR TO J U L Y I , 1949, UNDER C O S T - P L U S STANDING CONTRACTS With Whom Purpose Amount Lewis S, Colbert Three adjustments $ 771 o l 1 Reliable Plumbing and Three adjustments I 056 981 Heating Co. Schroeder's One adjustment 120 60 Square Deal Electric One adjustment 130 41 DONORS OF FUNK FOREST NATURAL AREA Donors of Land MRS. BESSIE F . F U N K , McLean, Illinois M R . GEORGE W . F U N K , McLean, Illinois M i s s FLORENCE M. F U N K , McLean, Illinois M R . and M R S . W . M C L E A N F U N K , P . O. B O X 102, Decatur, Illinois Donors of Cash MRS. EUGENE D. F U N K , SR., Shirley, Illinois M R . and M R S . EUGENE D. FUNK, JR., 1318 East Grove Street, Bloomington, Illinois M R . and M R S . L A FAYETTE F U N K , Shirley, Illinois M R . P A U L A. F U N K , Shirley, Illinois M R . and M R S . THEODORE F U N K , 703 Broadway, Normal, Illinois M R S . GLADYS F U N K REHTMEYER, Pasadena Drive, F o x Chapel, Pittsburgh 15, Pennsylvania M R . and M R S . ROBERT MCCORMICK, 502 Broadway, Normal, Illinois MR. and MRS. WALDO ROTH, Chatham Circle, Kankakee, Illinois MR. and MRS. LESTER AHROOM, 911 East Oak Street, Kankakee, Illinois M R . H E N R Y W . and M R S . H A Z E L F U N K HOLMES, 13 Kirkland Place, Cambridge 38, Massachusetts M R . and M R S . D E A N E H . F U N K , McLean, Illinois MR. and M R S . DONALD S. FUNK, C/O Sangamo Electric Company, Springfield, Illinois MR. and MRS. JACOB D. F U N K , 2012 L a Mesa Drive, Santa Monica, California MR. W I L L and M R S . MADELINE F U N K MCCULLOUGH, 1415 East Grove Street, Bloomington, Illinois M R . H E N R Y and M R S . MARY F U N K CAPEN, 12 Country Club Place, Bloomington, Illinois M R . and MRS. LYLE W . FUNK, C/O Barton, Baton, Durstine & Osborne, Inc., 383 Madison Avenue, New York 17, N.Y. M R . and M R S . D E L O S S F U N K , Shirley, Illinois M R S . GRACE F U N K BRACKEN, 321 East Chestnut Street, Bloomington, Illinois M R . and M R S . D W I G H T F U N K BRACKEN, 321 East Chestnut Street, Bloomington, Illinois M R S . IDELLE K. EWING, 505 Powers Lane, Decatur, Illinois M R S . MARY B. FUNK, 302 L a Fayette Apartments, Bloomington, Illinois MRS. GRACE CLARKSON FUNK, 125 East 50th Street, Beverly Hotel, New York City, N.Y. MR. LARRY FUNK, 125 East 50th Street, Beverly Hotel, New York City, N.Y. M R . and MRS. B E N F . FUNK, Shirley, Illinois M R . and M R S . ARTHUR F U N K , Shirley, Illinois M R S . CLARA HUMPHREYS, 301 East Grove Street, Bloomington, Illinois M R . and M R S . D A N A ROLLINS, Shirley, Illinois 1 Deduct.
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