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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
J95°] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Department Food Technology Vendor Buflovak Equipment Division of Blaw-Knox Co., Chicago III7 Cost 1 751 00 Item One 10" laboratory vacuum pan having one square foot of evaporating surface and capacity to evaporate 30 lbs. per hour, with following additional accessories: (1) condenser, (2) reservoir, (3) dual ejector One 30 h.p. steam generator for operation on No. 3 oil, motor 3 phase, 60 cycle, 220 volts—100 lbs. per square inch pressure, 1100 lbs. per hour capacity of steam Laboratory furniture to equip new laboratories for Food Technology in 207 Dairy Manufactures Building 400 Carlton #322 or equal, stainless steel pudding pans, 8 1 Mex65i6X 2^1e"; 400 VoHrath #7873. 3lA quart Bain Marie pots stainless steel 7>4x6'?l«* Nine paintings "Figure and Mask," by Abraham Rattner "Beaulieu," by Max Beckmann "Faraway," by Charles Rain "Southern Community," by Robert Gwathmey "Apparition," by Hans Hofmann "New York from Hoboken," by Frederick S. Franck "Machine Five," by Hedda Sterne "Fragments from Yesterday," by J3ean Ellis "liiitrance," by Anthony Toney f.o.b. Buffalo, N.Y. Food Technology Cherry-Burrell Co., Chicago Laboratory Furniture Co., Long Island, N.Y. Edward Don and Co., Chicago 2 749 26 f.o.b. Urbana 3 546 70 f.o.b. Urbana 1 587 12 Food Technology Animal Hospital, College of Medicine College of Fine and Applied Arts Three automobiles, suburban carryPhysical Plant all model, complete with 4-speed transmission, overload springs, heater and defroster, heavy duty grill guard, tnrn indicator, oil bath air cleaner, oil filter and 700 x 15 wheels and 6-ply tires One Model CJ-3A Universal Jeep, Physical Plant complete with passenger seats in front and rear, body top, drawbar, brush guard, and heater and defroster One panel truck }A ton capacity, Physical Plant with three forward speeds, heater, oil bath air cleaner, oil filter, and overload springs A. P. Rosenberg & Co., Inc., New York City Buchholz Gallery, New York City Knoedler & Co., Inc., New York City ACA Gallery, New York City Samuel M. Kootz Gallery, New York City Van Diemen-Lilenfeld Galleries, New York City Betty Parsons Gallery, New York City Dean Ellis, Lakewood, Ohio ACA Gallery, New \ ork City _ , , Total Songer Chevrolet Sales, Catlin 1 400 OO 1 100 OO 1 000 OO 1 000 OO 9 0 0 OO 7 2 0 OO 6 0 0 OO 4 0 0 OO 4 0 0 OO 7 520 OO 4 948 50 Frank S. Owens Co., Bloomington Sullivan Chevrolet Co., Champaign COMPTROLLER'S REPORT OF CONTRACTS EXECUTED MARCH 1 TO MARCH 3 1 , 1 9 5 0 With Whom Michael Reese Hospital School of Nursing The Presbyterian Hospital of the City of Chicago (School of Nursing) EH Lilly and Company National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics United States Department of the Army Purpose Affiliation of schools accepting candidates for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing Affiliation of schools accepting candidates for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing Study of mumps vaccine in man Study of fatigue strength of certain aluminum alloy Academic instruction for not over fifty military personnel Amount to be Paid to the University None Date August 11, 1949 August 19, 1949 $4 550 00 3 610 00 Rate per contract March 14, 1950 December 19, 1949 September 14, 1949
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