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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
195°] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS I083 federal government in 1833. Five thousand dollars was given by the University of Illinois Foundation. The remaining $5,000 was appropriated by the University of Illinois Board of Trustees. Access to the area from Route 66 will be provided by a strip of land threequarters of a mile long and sixty feet wide to be deeded to the University as a separate gift. Since the area is to remain in its natural state, the only major items of expense in this development will be for a woven-wire farm fence around the sixty-three-acre tract and along the right-of-way from the east, and the construction of a small suspension foot bridge. Acquisition of this land had its beginning a year ago when Professor J. Nelson Spaeth, Head of the Department of Forestry at the University, was near this area while inspecting a maple grove owned and operated by Mrs. Hazel Funk Holmes, wife of Dr. Henry W. Holmes, Dean-Emeritus of the College of Education of Harvard University. Mrs. Holmes hoped that a large part of the original Funk timber tract might be preserved. Professor Spaeth and Mr. William H . Butterfield, Manager of the University of Illinois Foundation, carried on negotiations on behalf of the University. I recommend that the tract be officially designated Funk Forest Natural Area of the University of Illinois and that the Board of Trustees adopt a resolution recording its appreciation of the generosity of the Funk family. A list of donors follows (see Appendix, page 1118). Resolution The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois records herewith its appreciation of the public-spirited generosity of the members of the Funk family whose donations of property and funds have made possible the acquisition by the University of the Funk Forest Natural Area in McLean County. This forestry will be a living museum of natural history, a field laboratory for biological scientists and a state treasure — the last remnant of virgin prairiegrove timberland. For members of the Funk family it will be a memorial to a pioneer ancestry. The Board directs its Secretary to send a copy of this resolution to each of the donors. O n m o t i o n of M r . M c L a u g h l i n , t h e s e r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s w e r e adopted. CONTRACT FOR REMODELING OF TICE CLINIC FOR THE INSTITUTION FOR TUBERCULOSIS RESEARCH (32) The Vice-President in charge of the Chicago Professional Colleges, the Director of the Physical Plant, and the Comptroller recommend award of a contract for $2,677 to the C. W . Haynes Company, Chicago, the lowest bidder, for remodeling of quarters in the Cook County Hospital for the Institution for Tuberculosis Research. The Sixty-sixth General Assembly of Illinois established the Institution for Tuberculosis Research and appropriated funds for the production, distribution, and application of the bacillus Calmette-Guerin ( B C G ) , and other methods and materials for the prevention of tuberculosis and for conducting research in tuberculosis. Before the National Institute of Health will grant a license for the manufacture of the BCG vaccine, it is necessary that the office and manufacturing areas be separated. This remodeling will make it possible for the Institution for Tuberculosis Research to provide the sterile areas required for the manufacture of the BCG vaccine. Funds are available in the State appropriation to the Institution for Tuberculosis Research. I concur and recommend that the Comptroller and the Secretary of the Board be authorized to execute this contract. On motion of Dr. Meyer, this award was approved and authoritywas given as recommended.
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