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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1038 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [February 16 Cost 1 177 00 f.o.b. Urbana 3 746 63 1 256 64 1 924 00 f.o.b. Urbana 2 140 00 f.o.b. Pasadena, Calif. I 330 00 f.o.b. Rochester 1 325 00 f.o.b. Chicago Vendor Item Department Rogers Printing Co., 600 copies Diderot's Relations with University Press Grimm by Joseph Royal Smiley. Chicago Assistant Professor of French and Assistant Dean of the Graduate College, University of Illinois One 7' Steinway grand piano (new) Lyon & Healy, Chicago School of Music with bench Mendel Riley, Champaign One 5'2* Hamilton grand piano, School of Music ebonized One distribution transformer, 3 Standard Transformer Co., Physical Plant phase, 60 cycle, askarel filled, 200 Chicago Storeroom kva, 4160 volt Delta primary, 140 volt Delta secondary One Beckman model G-2 oxygen Arnold O. Beckman, Inc., Aeromedical and analyzer O-200 mm. partial presPasadena, Calif. Physical sure oxygen range with one brown Environment elektronik potentiometer recorder, Laboratory O-5 millivolt with one 35'connecting cable One semi micro hydrogenating ap- Dairy Science Distillation Products, Inc., paratus for tocopherol determinaRochester, N.Y. tion; one four-unit demountable micro-pot still assembly for Vitamin E analysis One Deceptograph with two signal C. H. Stoelting Co., Psychology markers, two voice keys, five rolls Chicago of paper and a large bottle of ink (the Deceptograph is a lie detector with special recording pen devices) One wood laboratory table, accord- Department of E. H. Sheldon & Coing to University blueprints and Chicago Toxicology specifications 60 safety switches type A, 3-pole, Danville Electric Supply Physical Plant 30 amperes, 230 volts; 50 safety Co., Danville Storeroom switches, type A, 3-pole, 60 amperes, 230 volts; 40 safety switches, type A, 3-pole, 100 amperes, 230 volts 12,000 reams 8 H x i o # 161P subMarquette Paper Corp., Office Supply stance No. 4 sulphite mimeograph Chicago Store bond One CBW-100 Barcroft Warburg cirE. Machlett & Son, College of Medicine, cular apparatus for ten SummerNew York, N.Y. Bacteriology son manometers, stainless steel, complete with motor, therrooregulator, and stands One Offset duplicator, including masMultigraph Sales Agency, ter cylinder with quick-change Stenographic Peoria Bureau clamp and trailing pin plate, centrifugal clutch, mechanical jogger, extra suction foot, oscillating repelex rider roller, auxiliary vibrator roller, light fixture One 15* lathe with 42* centers and R. K. LeBlonde Machine 12 speeds up to 1800 r.p.m., headPhysics Tool Co., Chicago stock, complete with steady rest, follow rest, large face plate, 8" three-jaw Universal chuck, micrometer carriage stop, Jacobs chuck with collets, and chuck adapter plate One 1 5" lathe with 42*centers, speeds R. K. LeBlonde Machine Physics up to 1800 r.p.m., large face plate, Tool Co.. Chicago 10* four-jaw independent chuck, 8" three-jaw Universal chuck, steady rest, follow rest, Jacobs chuck with collets and micrometer carriage stop One comparator photometer with National Spectographic Chemistry master and sample projection Laboratories, beams for two 4" x 10" plates; one Cleveland, Ohio galvanascope for tbe above; one voltage regulator for the above ( n o volts, A.C.) 14.817 board feet milled No. I fir mini Lumber Distributors, lumber S+S in I ' I I I ) ' , 2" X 8*, Physical Plant Champaign 2 " x 6 " , 2*X5*. 2" X 4", i j i ' x * " . I " x 6 " , K " x 12". H"x6", X'x ;", and yi" x 2" KD; 16,000 board feet 1* x 6" No. 2 D&M fir lumber 2 058 36 f.o.b. Urbana 5 520 00 f.o.b. Urbana 1 930 40 f.o.b. Urbana 3 606 64 f.o.b. Cincinnati, Ohio 3 746 96 f.o.b. Cincinnati, Ohio 3 025 00 f.o.b. Boston 2 328 88 f.o.b. delivered to our warehouse
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