Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1002 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Deviation from Contract None None None None None None None None + 1.59% +0.44%) -1.3 % +0.32%, Total + 1.2 % +0.36% —0.00% [February 16 Price Adjustment None None None None None None None None Deduct S.oog/ton None None None Deduct S.oog/ton Deduct J.oog/ton None None Deduct ?.o8o/ton Deduct ?.o89/ton Deduct ?.oo9/ton None Deduct ?.o84/ton Deduct g.i6o/ton Deduct $.253/ton i . November 14-20, twenty cars received or 1,000 tons 2. November 21-27, twelve cars received or 600 tons November 27-December 3, seventeen cars received or 919.45 tons A nalysis Ash- 9 . 6 0 % Sulphur 43% B.T.U.13,107 Fines 00% Ash 20% Sulphur13% B.T.U.13.225 Fines 17 56% Ash —10 2 9 % Sulphur 3 25% B.T.U. 12,972 Fines1—20.32% 4. December 4-10, fifteen cars Ash— 9 . 9 0 % received or 786 tons Sulphur— 3 . 1 6 % B.T.U.— 13,149 Fines—24.70% 5. December 11-17, four cars Ash—10.30% received or 242.10 tons Sulphur— 3 . 1 4 % B.T.U.— 12,875 Fines—28.10% +4-7°% Total + 1.60% +0.34% -2.09% +8.10% Total (3) 919.45 t o n s X ? . o o 9 = $ 8.27 (4) 786.00 tons X .089= 69.95 (5) 242.10 tonsX .253= 61.25 Total Deduction $ 139.47 This report was received for record. COMPTROLLER'S REPORT OF CONTRACTS (30) T h e Comptroller's report of contracts and leases executed and adjustments made in contracts during the period from December 11, 1949, to January 10, 1950 (see Appendix, page 1039). This report was received for record. COMPTROLLER'S QUARTERLY REPORT (31) The report of the Comptroller for the quarter ending December 31, 1949- This report was received for record. CONTRACT FOR ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES ON DRUG PLANT RESEARCH STATION (32) The Board of Trustees on January 12, 1950 (Minutes, page 970), appropriated $65,000 for the construction of buildings (heated greenhouse with adjoining headhouse, machine shed, and pump house) at the Morton Arboretum near Chicago for the Drug Plant Experiment Station. The Physical Plant Department recommends that Schweikher and Elting, Architects, Roselle, Illinois, be employed for the necessary architectural services at a fee of 5J4 per cent of the total cost. Based on the estimated cost of the buildings ($55,000), the fee will be approximately $3,025. I concur and recommend that the Comptroller and the Secretary of the Board be authorized to execute a contract with Schweikher and Elting for such services. On motion of Mr. McLaughlin, this contract was awarded and authority was given as recommended.