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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
996 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [February 16 Release No. 16 "For Permanent Improvements at Urbana-Champaign Additions to Power and Heating Plant and Remodeling of Existing Buildings $6 444" This is a partial release from an appropriation of $1,215,000 of which ?88o,0O0 has been budgeted for additions to the Power Plant, $263,500 for remodeling of existing buildings. The funds now released are for structural steel for the construction of an addition to the turbine room of the Power Plant, a contract for which was awarded by the Board of Trustees on January 12, 1950. Release No. 17 "For Permanent Improvements at Chicago Construction of Addition to Present Hospital #370 966 18" This is a partial release (the third) from an appropriation of $7,395,000. The funds now released are for the purchase and installation of fixed equipment. Release No. 18 "For Equipment for Buildings at Urbana-Champaign and Chicago. . . .#62 353 6 5 " This is a partial release (the second) from an appropriation of $680,000. The funds now released are for the purchase of some of the movable equipment to be used in the hospital addition. Contracts for the purchase and installation of this equipment have already been authorized by the Board. I recommend that the funds released be appropriated for the purposes specified. On motion of Mr. McLaughlin, these funds were appropriated as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Herrick, Mr. Hickman, Mrs. Holt, Mr. Livingston, Mr. McLaughlin, Mr. Nickell, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Fornof, Dr. Meyer, Mr. Stevenson. A P P R O P R I A T I O N S BY T H E ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION (12) The Board of Directors of the Athletic Association on February 1 assigned $30,000 from its reserve funds to cover the development and operation of the two golf courses (the present nine-hole course southeast of the Stadium and the new eighteen-hole course adjoining the University Airport to be put in use this year) to cover the normal operation of these courses during the spring season. This subsidy is required because of an abnormal infestation of crab grass which must be removed, delay in the completion of the irrigation system, and additional work required in spreading sand in the traps, top dressing, etc. This is a major adjustment in the budget of the Athletic Association and the approval of the Board of Trustees is required. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, this change in the budget of the Athletic Association was approved. C O N T R A C T S FOR VETERINARY S C I E N C E BUILDING (13) Funds are available in the State appropriation to the University for 1949-1951 for "Construction of Veterinary Science Unit." Bids were received on January 30 and 31, 1950, for the construction of this building. It is recommended by the Director of the Physical Plant Department, the Comptroller, the Dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine, and Childs and Smith, architects for this building, that contracts be awarded to the lowest bidders as follows: General contract work — John Felmley Company, Bloomington... . $ 701 859 00 Elevators and dumbwaiters—Elevator Manufacturing Company of America, Chicago 26 783 00 Plumbing contract work—W. T. Mahoney and Sons, Chicago 92 989 76 Heating, ventilating, air conditioning, and refrigeration contract work — National Korectaire Company, Chicago 155 594 00 Electrical contract work and lighting fixtures — Square Deal Electric, Urbana 58 965 75 Total Recommended Construction Contract Awards (1 036 191 51) Fixed laboratory equipment—Laboratory Furniture Company, Long Island City, New York n o 514 67 Total Recommended Contract Awards $1 146 706 18
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