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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1948 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1948] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Salaries Wages 1221 Non-educational Purposes Scholarships, Fellowships, and Prizes Miscellaneous Accounts Total, Non-educational Grand Total Other Expense Total 50 000 50 000 650 000 205 275 855 275 (650 000) (255 275) (905 275) $1 638 760 S811 925 $2 450 685 and GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES, DEPARTMENTS, AND EXPENSE Salaries Other a General Administrative Offices ^d Wages Expense Total Board of Trustees $12 825 #25 000 $ 38 325 President's Office 50 240 7 300 57 540 Provost's Office, General 52 012 58 532 110 544 Business Office 265 734 48 186 313 920 Admissions and Records 145 168 48 700 193 868 Nonacademic Personnel 45 575 12 550 58 125 Legal Counsel 28 356 6 500 34 856 Total, General Administrative Offices (599 910) (207 268) (807 178) General Student Service Dean of Students Dean of Students, General 16 538 2 300 18 838 Dean of Men 51 534 6 000 57 534 Dean of Women 55 712 6 100 61 812 Health Service 133 794 7 770 141 564 McKinley Hospital 35 374 35 374 Housing Division 20 427 2 665 23 092 Residence Halls Counseling 14 680 14 680 Placement Bureau n 432 5 314 16 746 Student Discipline 13 480 4 900 18 380 Freshman Week 250 4 250 4 500 High School Guidance Conference I 250 1 250 Total, Dean of Students (317 847) (75 923) (393 770) Provost's Office Student Personnel Bureau 91 656 6 195 97 851 Total, General Student Service (409 503) (82 118) (491 621) General University Service Provost's Office Bureau of Institutional Research 41 101 2 400 43 501 Courses and Curricula 14 456 100 14 556 Council on Teacher Education 37 007 3 071 40 078 Statistical Service Unit 38 536 16 536 55 072 Total, Provost's Office (131 100) (22 107) (153 207) Communications Director's Office 16 500 3 500 20 000 University Press 45 404 53 326 98 730 Public Information 18 580 6 200 24 780 Total, Communications (80 484) (63 026) (143 510) Alumni Relations and Records 30 809 21 217 52 026 University of Illinois Foundation 30 500 30 500 Committee on Student English 5 442 400 5 842 Illini Center 2 646 5 850 8 496 Building Program Committee r 060 440 1 500 Citizens Committee 4 500 4 500 Commencement 14 000 14 000 Honors Day 400 1 600 2 000 Incidental and Emergency 7 500 7 500 Membership in Organizations 1 274 I 274 Public Functions 1 500 19 000 20 500 Nonrecurring Equipment (unassigned) 25 000 25 000 Total, General University Service (253 441) (216 414) (469 855)
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