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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1948 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1220 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 15 COMPARATIVE SUMMARY ( C O N C L U D E D ) Salaries Other Physical Plant <"id Wages Expense Total Operation and Maintenance 1 775 435 712 824 2 488 259 Debt Service and Other Special I t e m s . . . 164 450 164 450 Total, Physical Plant (1 775 435) (877 274) (2 652 709) Sub-total, Educational and General. . (16 336 747) (4 075 214) (20 411 961) E n d o w m e n t I n c o m e , Gift F u n d s , a n d United States Training and Research Programs for Educational Purposes... 988 760 556 650 1 545 410 Total, Educational and General (17 325 507) (4 631 864) (21 957 37i) Auxiliary Enterprises 1 122 521 2 675 284 3 797 805 Endowment Income and Gift Funds for Noneducational Purposes Gifts and Endowment Funds 105 275 105 275 Veterans' Books and Supplies 650 000 150 000 800 000 Total, Non-educational (650 000) (255 275) (905 2751 Total, Appropriations $19 098 028 $7 562 423 #26 660 45i 1 SUMMARY OF EXPENDABLE E N D O W M E N T I N C O M E , GIFTS, UNITED STATES TRAINING AND RESEARCH PROGRAMS, AND OTHER TRUST FUNDS The balance and receipts of the following trust funds are appropriated for the purpose of the respective funds with the provision that the expenditures shall not exceed the receipts and balances of the individual funds. Salaries Other a Educational and General nd Wages Expense Total General Administrative $76 500 $25 500 #102 000 Total, General Administrative (76 500) (25 500) (102 000) Instruction and Departmental Research Liberal Arts and Sciences 10 600 10 600 Agriculture 200 200 Engineering 20 000 10 000 30 000 Commerce and Business Administration 3 010 3 010 Fine and Applied Arts 2 750 250 3 000 Physical Education 500 500 Naval Science 3 500 1 500 5 000 Institute of Aeronautics 7 000 5 000 12 000 Total, Instruction and Departmental Research (36760) (27550) (64310) Organized Research Liberal Arts and Sciences 160 000 57 500 217 500 Agricultural Experiment Station 145 000 37 000 182 000 Engineering Experiment Station 510 000 270 000 780 000 Commerce and Business Administration 500 500 Fine and Applied Arts 12 500 2 500 15 000 Physical Education 2 500 2 500 Veterinary Medicine 1 500 1 500 Total, Organized Research (830 500) (368 500) (1 199 000) Extension University Extension 12 000 5 000 17 000 Small Homes Council 33 000 5 000 38 000 Total, Extension (45 000) (10 000) (55 000) Libraries 10 000 10 000 Physical Plant Operation and M a i n t e n a n c e . . . . 115100 115100 Total, Educational and General (988 760) (556 650) (1 545 410) 1 Sources of funds: $26,660,451. general income, $18,672,913; restricted income, $7,987,538; total,
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