Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1948 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1948] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1219 COMPARATIVE SUMMARY OF Educational and General Administration and General General Administrative Offices General Student Service General University Service Security Benefits Total, Administration and General... Instruction and Departmental Research Colleges, Schools, and Departments Liberal Arts and Sciences Agriculture Engineering Graduate College Commerce and Business Administration Education Fine and Applied Arts Physical Education Veterinary Medicine Law Journalism Library School Summer Session Military University of Illinois Bands Naval Science Institute of Aeronautics Division of Special Services for War Veterans Total, Colleges, Schools, and Departments.. . Organized Activities Related to Instructional Departments Agriculture Airport Revolving Total, Organized Activities Total, Instruction and Departmental Research Organized Research Agriculture Engineering Graduate College Bureau of Economic and Business Research Bureau of Research and Service Institute of Communications Research.. Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations Total, Organized Research Extension Agriculture Business Management Service Bureau of Community Planning Institute of Communications Research.. Small Homes Council University Extension Total, Extension Libraries BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS Salaries Other <™d Wages Expense Total $ 599 910 $ 207 268 $ 807 178 409 503 82 118 491 621 267 441 242 344 509 785 96 761 409 099 505 860 (1 373 615) (940 829) (2 314 444) 2 875 640 1 757 253 609 470 581 220 193 119 113 58 625 19 22 1 178 075 273 082 750 845 744 110 490 705 019 820 297 820 698 515 740 230 299 160 160 14 21 48 66 27 30 5 9 4 8 4 9 1 24 970 900 600 700 000 400 420 285 450 500 350 000 000 400 000 320 250 3 175 801 1 917 268 630 519 647 247 224 124 123 62 633 24 31 3 202 045 173 682 450 845 144 530 775 155 519 170 297 820 098 515 060 480 93 136 (8834349) 26 280 67 312 (93 592) 15 225 (910770) 79 900 81 800 (161 700) 108 361 (9 745 119) 106 180 149 112 (255 292) (8 927 941) (1 072 470) (10 000 411) 1 189 009 243 637 256 022 61 941 153 002 25 370 170 I I I (2 099 092) 1 197 38 13 59 46 209 (1 564 596 892 232 300 559 270 107 360) 304 363 196 41 100 130 200 18 000 38 370 3 750 29 000 (623 616) 180 14 4 19 16 85 (320 241 908 000 040 405 672 000 025) 000 1 552 205 284 737 386 222 79 941 191 372 29 120 199 i n (2 722 708) 1 378 52 17 78 62 294 (1 884 837 800 232 340 964 942 107 385) 304