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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1948 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

I2l8 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 15 SUMMARY O F B U D G E T A P P R O P R I A T I O N S CONCLUDED) From From General Restricted Colleges, Schools, and Total Income Income Departments (Concluded) Physical Education 247 775 247 775 224 155 Veterinary Medicine 223 155 1 000 Law 124 519 124 519 Journalism 123 170 123 170 Library School 62 297 62 297 Summer Session 633 820 633 820 Military 22 898 24 098 1 200 University of Illinois Bands 29 015 31 5i5 2 500 Naval Science and Tactics 3 060 3 060 202 480 Institute of Aeronautics 202 480 Division of Special Services for War 108 361 108 361 Veterans Total, Colleges, Schools, and Departments (9 665 419) (79 700) (9 745 U9) Organized Activities Relating to Instructional Departments 106 180 106 180 Agriculture 149 112 Airport Revolving 149 112 Total, Organized Activities (255 292) (255 292) Total, Instruction and Departmental Research (9 665 419) (334 992) (10 000 411) Organized Research 1 552 205 Agriculture 1 097 609 454 59° 284 737 Engineering 284 737 386 222 386 222 Graduate College Bureau of Economic and Business Research 79 94i 79 941 Bureau of Research and Service 13 500 191 372 177 872 Institute of Communications Research. . 29 120 29 120 Institute of Labor and Industrial Rela199 i n 199 i n tions Total, Organized Research (2 254 612) (468 096) (2 722 708) Extension 1 378 800 847 948 Agriculture 530 852 Business Management Service 52 232 52 232 Fine and Applied Arts 17 34° 17 340 Institute of Communications Research 78 964 78 964 Radio Station 8 000 62 942 Small Homes Council 54 942 40 082 294 107 University Extension 254 025 Total, Extension (988 355) (896 030) (1 884 385) Libraries 837 304 837 304 Physical Plant 2 488 259 Operation and Maintenance 2 488 259 164 450 Debt Service and Other Special Items. . 164 450 (2 652 709) Total, Physical Plant (2 652 709) Sub-total, Educational and General. . (18 672 913) (1 739 048) (20 411 961) E n d o w m e n t I n c o m e , Gift F u n d s , a n d United States Training and Research Programs for Educational Purposes... 1 545 410 1 545 410 Total, Educational and General (18 672 913) (3 284 458) (21 957 3 7 0 Auxiliary Enterprises 3 797 805 3 797 805 Endowment Income and Gift Funds for Noneducational Purposes Gifts and Endowments 105 275 i ° 5 275 800 000 800 000 Veterans' Books and Supplies Total, Non-educational (905 275) (905 275) Total, Appropriations $18 672 913 $7 987 538 $26 660 451
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