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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1948 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1948] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1217 Salaries Other Physical Plant and Wages Expense Operation and Maintenance 712 824 Urbana-Champaign 1 775 435 273 309 Chicago Professional Schools 688 020 324 804 Chicago Undergraduate Division. . . . 481 970 85 626 Galesburg Undergraduate Division . . 363 556 Total, Operation and Maintenance.. (3 308 981) (1 396 563) Debt Service and Other Special Items 164 450 Urbana-Champaign 100 639 Chicago Professional Schools Total, Debt Service and Other Special (265 089) Items (3 308 981) (1 661 652) Total, Physical Plant Sub-total, Educational and General.. (23 689 929) (6 o n 524) E n d o w m e n t Income, Gift F u n d s , and United States Training and Research Programs for Educational Purposes 988 760 Urbana-Champaign 556 650 126 250 Chicago Professional Schools 235 o°o Total, Endowment Income and Gift (682 900) Funds for Educational Purposes (1 223 760) Total, Educational and General.... (24 913 689) (6 694 424) A uxiliary Enterprises 1 122 521 2 675 284 Urbana-Champaign 98 704 68 521 Chicago Professional Schools 161 237 Chicago Undergraduate Division 373 483 124 841 Galesburg Undergraduate Division 458 613 (1 477 120) (3 606 084) Total, A uxiliary Enterprises Endowment Income and Gift Funds for Non-educational Purposes 650 000 Urbana-Champaign 255 275 Chicago Professional Schools 30 000 25 000 Chicago Undergraduate Division 50 000 Galesburg Undergraduate Division Total, Endowment Income and Gift Funds for Non-educational Pur(650 000) (360 275) poses ?27 040 809 $\o 660 783 Total, Appropriations Total 2 488 961 806 449 259 329 774 182 (4 705 544) 164 450 100 639 (265 089) (4 970 633) (29 701 453) 1 545 4 ' 0 361 250 (1 906 660) (31 608 113) 3 797 805 167 225 534 720 583 454 (5 083 204) 905 30 25 50 275 000 000 000 (1 010 275) £37 701 5921 URBANA-CHAMPAIGN DIVISIONS SUMMARY OF BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS From From General Restricted Educational and General Income Income Administration and General $ 807 178 General Administrative Offices General Student Service 491 621 General University Service 469 855 539 93° Security Benefits 505 860 Total, Administration and General. . (2 274 514) (39 930) Instruction and Departmental Research Colleges, Schools, and Departments 1 600 Liberal Arts and Sciences 3 173 445 72 900 728 273 Agriculture 1 917 682 Engineering 268 450 Graduate College Commerce and Business Administration 500 630 345 Education 5i9 144 Fine and Applied Arts 647 53o Total $807 178 491 621 509 785 505 860 (2 314 444) 3 175 045 801 173 1 917 682 268 450 630 845 519 144 647 530 'Sources of funds: general income, $27,822,405; restricted income, $9,879,187; total, $37.70i,59z.
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