Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1948 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1948] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1215 Restricted Income 5 083 204 General Income Auxiliary Enterprises and Activities Income for Non-educational Purposes Endowment Income Veterans' Books and Supplies Gifts Total, Non-educational Grand Total, Estimated Income Total 5 083 204 775 000 500 275) 31 875 103 (1 010 328 852 040 #9 879 31 775 875 000 103 500 275) ( 1 0 1 0 187 338 731 227 SUMMARY OF BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS From From General Restricted Educational and General Income Income Administration and General Expense $2 274 514 Urbana-Champaign #39 930 Chicago Professional Schools 271 413 Chicago Undergraduate Division 291 526 282 181 Galesburg Undergraduate Division Total, Administration and General Expense (3 119 634) (39 930) Instruction and Departmental Research Colleges, Schools, and Departments Urbana-Champaign 9 665 419 79 700 Chicago Professional Schools 2 308 544 Chicago Undergraduate Division 1 306 483 Galesburg Undergraduate Division. . . 525 739 Total, Colleges, Schools, and Departments (79 700) (13 806 185) Organized Activities Relating to Instructional Departments 255 292 Urbana-Champaign Chicago Professional Schools 1 797 750 Total, Organized Activities Relating to Instructional Departments (255 292) (1 797 73°^ Total, Instructional and Departmental Research (334 992) (15 603 935 Organized Research 2 254 612 468 096 Urbana-Champaign Extension 896 030 988 355 Urbana-Champaign Libraries Urbana-Champaign 837 304 Chicago Professional Schools 53 162 90 736 Chicago Undergraduate Division Galesburg Undergraduate Division 44 034 (1 025 236) Total, Libraries Physical Plant Operation and Maintenance Urbana-Champaign 2 488 259 899 329 62 000 Chicago Professional Schools 806 774 Chicago Undergraduate Division 449 182 Galesburg Undergraduate Division. . . (62 000) Total, Operation and Maintenance... (4 643 544) Debt Service and Other Special Items 164 450 Urbana-Champaign 78 000 Chicago Professional Schools 22 639 Total, Debt Service and Other Special (78 000) Items (187 089) Total, Physical Plant (4 830 633) (140 000) Sub-total, Educational and General (27 822 405)(1 879 048) from Current Funds Total $2 314 4 4 4 271 413 291 526 282 181 (3 159 564) 9 745 119 2 308 544 1 306 483 525 739 (13 885 885) 255 292 1 797 750 (2 053 042) (15 938 927) 2 722 708 1 884 385 837 53 90 44 (1 025 304 162 736 034 236) 2 488 259 961 329 806 774 449 182 (4 705 544) 164 450 100 639 (265 089) (4 970 633) (29 701 453)