Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1948 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1214 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 15 COMPARATIVE SUMMARY OF INCOME AND APPROPRIATIONS 1947-1948 Estimated Income Revised 1948-1949 General ?25 974 720 $28 852 040 Restricted 9 328 539 9 879 187 Total, Estimated Income #35 303 259 #38 731 227 Allocation of Estimated Income Appropriations by Board of Trustees From General Income $25 090 982 £27 822 405 From Restricted Income 9 328 539 9 879 187 Total, Appropriations (34 419 521) (37 701 592) Reserved for Nonrecurring Purposes Subject to Board Appropriations 803 000 803 000 Total, Allocations #35 222 5 2 i ?38 504 592 Unappropriated Balance from General Income $ 80 738 $ 226 635 ESTIMATED INCOME Educational and General General Public Appropriations Income State One-half biennial appropriation for current expense from tax revenues.. .#21 541 909 Federal Morrill-Nelson Acts 50 000 Bankhead-Jones Act (Teaching) n o 131 Smith-Hughes Act 35 000 Hatch and Adams Act Bankhead-Jones Act (Research) Purnell Act Research and Marketing Act Additional Cooperative Act Bankhead-Flannagan Act Capper-Ketcham Act Smith-Lever Acts (including Bankhead-Jones Extension) Total, Federal (195 131) Total, Public Appropriations (21 737 040) Student Fees Gross 5 157 000 Deduct Estimated Refunds 70 000 Net, Student Fees (5 087 000) From 1947-1948 Funds Reserved for Increasing Budget I 713 000 Sales and Services of Educational Departments and Miscellaneous Current Income Research and Educational Hospitals 130 000 Dentistry 55 000 Agriculture 2 000 Physical Plant 35 000 All Other 93 000 Total Sales, Services, and Other Miscellaneous Current Income (315 000) Endowment and Trust Income for Educational Purposes Endowment Income U. S. Government Contracts Gifts from Private Sources Total, Endowment and Trust Total, Educational and General (28 852 040) Restricted Income Total ?2i 541 909 50 no 35 30 93 60 52 10 249 38 000 131 000 000 842 000 936 737 859 183 ? 30 000 93 842 60 000 52 936 10 737 249 859 38 183 53i 699 53i 699 (1 067 256) (1 262 387) (1 067 256) (22 804 296) 144 000 4 000 (140 000) 5 301 000 74 000 (5 227 000) 1 713 000 130 000 414 898 256 894 (671 792) 6 1 122 778 (1 906 (3 785 650 1 010 000 660) (1 708) (32 416 898 35 000 349 894 55 °o° (986 792) 6 650 122 010 778 000 906 660) 637 748)