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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1948 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

i 9 48] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1213 T H E U N I V E R S I T Y BUDGET FOR 1948-1949 (Approved by the Board of Trustees June 15, 1948, page 1152) EXPLANATORY NOTES Appropriations for Salaries are available for the term indicated in each case but not for more than one year from September 1, 1948. When appointments are made at salary rates less than the amounts provided in the budget, the unused balance is lapsed at that time, resulting in a reduction in the budget. Funds appropriated for positions in the salary budget which are not yet filled may, pending regular appointments, be drawn against by voucher to the Business Office for services of employees temporarily engaged to do the work contemplated by the position. Such temporary charges may not exceed the amount of time provided by the position unless indicated herein or otherwise approved by the President. All unexpended balances remaining in the salary budget lapse at the close of each calendar month unless previously assigned or encumbered. Such lapses do not result in a reduction in the budget. Departmental appropriations are made under the captions "Salaries," "Wages," and "Expense and Equipment." No transfers may be made between "Salaries" and "Expense and Equipment" except with the approval of the President of the University. Requests for such changes should be submitted to the Comptroller. Adjustments may be requested between "Salaries" and "Wages" and between "Wages" and "Expense and Equipment" upon notice to the Comptroller. Appropriations for Expense and Equipment and for Wages are available for one year beginning July 1, 1948, and ending June 30, 1949. All unexpended balances lapse June 30, 1949. The reappropriation of funds will be considered only in special situations. The services required for members of the academic and administrative staff are in accordance with "Terms of Employment" adopted by the Board of Trustees on January 8, 1948. (1) For those positions indicated entirely as "Y", or for that portion of time indicated as "Y", services are required for the full year of twelve months, with allowance of one month for vacation. No additional compensation is allowed for summer session services for any salary or portion of salary indicated as "Y". (2) For those positions in the academic budget not indicated as "Y", or for that portion of time not indicated as "Y", services are required only during the regular academic year of two semesters (three terms in the Chicago Professional Colleges). If teaching is required during the Summer Session, it will be covered by an additional appointment with salary. The services required for members of the nonacademic staff are for a full year of twelve months, with allowance for vacation, in accordance with civil service regulations. Salaries are paid in twelve equal monthly installments and positions are indicated as " H " . Symbols: A — Indefinite tenure, payable in G — Special tenure as described. twelve monthly installments. H — In accordance with civil service B — T w o years from September I, regulations, beginning July I, 1048. 1947, p a y a b l e i n t w e l v e I — Present salary sub-total includes monthly installments. 1947-1948 positions discontinued. D — One year from September I, Y — When following A, B, D, or G, 1948, p a y a b l e in t w e l v e indicates that services are remonthly installments. quired throughout the year, exE — T h e academic year 1948-1049, cept for allowable vacation, withpayable in ten installments of out additional compensation. which the first and last shall be half installments and the other eight full installments equal to one-ninth of the annual salary. Part-time: When any of the above symbols is combined with a number, the number indicates the fraction of time in per cent covered by the position.
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