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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1948 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1210 BOARD OF T R U S T E E S D e g r e e of D o c t o r of P h i l o s o p h y [June 15 (Conferred September is, 1947) In Biological Chemistry ELMER L E W I S BECKER, B.S., University of Chicago, 1940; M.S., 1941 BESSIE GENEVIEVE OSGOOD, A.B., B.S., Indiana Central College, 1932, 1933; M.S., 1940 In Pharmacology BYRL E BENTON, B.S., M.S., South Dakota State College, 1935. 1939 (Conferred In December Physiology 20, 1947) ALENE FREUDENHEIM SILVER, A.B., Columbia University, 1938 (Conferred In WOODROW GLEN MOSS, A.B. Chicago, 1942 June 18, 1948) Physiology University of Wichita, 1937; M.S., University of PURCHASES The Director of Purchases has proposed and the Comptroller recommends the following purchases. Unless otherwise specified, the purchase in each case is recommended on the basis of lowest bid, or because the item is noncompetitive, or to obtain earliest delivery. Department Vendor Item Cost International Harvester Co., One Farmall tractor with gas Agronomy 598 03 burning attachments; one Kankakee fertilizer attachment; one corn planter; one power drive tractor mower, for delivery to Experiment Field at Toledo, Illinois (to replace old equipment which was sold for #900) One National cash register, National Cash Register Co., 1 377 40 Student Supply Store Model 6085 (16) RS-RI-4C Chicago Ten No. n o decade scaler, Atomic Instrument Co., Physics 3 752 So Atomic, complete with Boston, Mass. cases One 18-unit Kjeldahl distilling Dairy Production Precision Scientific Co., 1 807 50 and digestion apparatus with Chicago rheostat heat control 56N0. 12-001 upholstered audi- Physical Plant American Seating Co., 1 370 32 torium chairs with tablet Chicago f.o.b. arms to be installed in new Urbana installed Electrical Engineering Building 436 auditorium tablet arm Physical Plant Miller School & Office 3 679 84 chairs to be installed in new Supply, Hammond, Ind. f.o.b. Mechanical Engineering and Urbana Chemical Engineering Buildinstalled ings Beardslee Chandelier Four 2-light N o . X-48—14 Physical Plant 1 997 00 bracket lanterns, two i-light Manufacturing Co., No. X-48—n lanterns to fit Chicago on standards (for Burrill Avenue and Wright Street entrances of new Electrical Engineering Building) Brown Instrument Co., 8 176 83 Five groups pyrometer control Ceramic Engineering equipment for kilns Peoria Reliable Plumbing & Heating 1 300 00 Four stokers, one in each of Residence Halls Co., Champaign four " T " buildings for student housing One i-ton steam jet refrigera3 200 00 Mechanical Engineering Worthington Pump & Machinery Corp., Chicago f.o.b. tion unit Harrison, N.J. 1 196 80 80 "Bank of England" side arm Illini Union W. B. Read & Co., Bloomington f.o.b. birch walnut chairs, Jasper Urbana Chair Co. No. 605
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