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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1948 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1948] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1167 RESIGNATIONS AND DECLINATIONS ALLEN, H. K., Director, Bureau of Economic and Business Research—resignation effective 7-1-48. ATVVOOD, NORMAN, Assistant, Humanities (Undergraduate Division in Galesburg) — resignation effective 6-30-48. BENNETT, F. D., Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering (C)—resignation effective 9-1-48. BOYD, R. L., Associate Professor, Accountancy — resignation effective 9-1-48. BROWN, M R S . LUCILLE, Research Assistant, Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations •— resignation effective 7-19-48. CHARNES, ABRAHAM, Mathematics, Summer Session, 1948 — declination effective 6-18-48. COULTAS, T. A., Mechanical Engineering, Summer Session, 1948 — declination effective 6-18-48. DOAK, BEATRICE W., Research Fellow, Pathology (Medicine) •—resignation effective 7-1-48. GARFIELD, M R S . MARJORIE, Psychologist, Psychiatry (Medicine) —resignation effective 1-31-48. GREENEBAUM, R. H., Instructor, Business English — declination effective 9-1-48. HENRY, MILDRED I., Reference Librarian, rank of Assistant Professor (Library), Research Associate, Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations—-resignation effective 8-1-48. HOPKINS, R. E., Economics, Summer Session, 1948 — declination effective 6-18-48. HOWARD, BETTY M., Instructor and Parasitologist, Medicine (Medicine) •—resignation effective 7-3-48. JOHNSON, A. H., Assistant, Accountancy (Undergraduate Division in Chicago) — resignation effective 9-1-48. KRZYWOBLOCKI, M. Z., Aeronautical Engineering (85/100), Summer Session, 1948 — declination effective 6-18-48. MCELHINNEY, JOHN, Special Research Associate, Physics ( S ) —resignation effective 7-1-48. MILLER, F. A., Assistant Professor, Chemistry — resignation effective 9-1-48. MONK, C. B., JR., Theoretical and Applied Mechanics C/i), Summer Session, 1948 — declination effective 6-18-48. PINSKY, SYLVIA, Humanities (Undergraduate Division in Chicago) i2/z), Summer Session, 1948 — declination effective 6-18-48. POLAND, R. R., Acquisition Assistant, Library — resignation effective 8-1-48. SIMON, H. A., Professor, Public Administration (Institute of Government and Public Affairs) — declination effective 9-1-48. STONE, W. K., First Assistant, Dairy Manufactures Research (Dairy Husbandry) ( S ) — r e s i g n a t i o n effective 9-1-48. TAPE, G. F., Physics, Summer Session, 1948 — declination effective 6-18-48. VICTOR, S. A., Research Assistant, Psychiatry (assigned to Loyola University) (Medicine)—resignation effective 8-31-48. WHEELER, M R S . BARBARA M., Assistant, Home Economics ( C ) — r e s i g n a t i o n effective 7-1-48. WILKINSON, C. W., Business English, Summer Session, 1948 — declination effective 6-18-48.
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