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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1948 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

ii64 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 15 JEFFERSON, R U T H E., Teacher, Nursery School (Division of Special Services for W a r Veterans), Summer Session, 1948, June 21-August 14, 1948, $477 (5-26-48). JOHNSON, R. A., Instructor, Chemistry, one year beginning September 1, 1948, $3600 (5-26-48). KLEIN, M. JANE, Assistant Dean of Women, one year beginning September I, 1948, $3800 (5-20-48). LAYSON, DORIS J., Instructor, Physical Education for Women, one year beginning September I, 1948, $3500 (5-26-48). LEWIS, OSCAR, Associate Professor, Anthropology (Sociology), two months beginning July 1, 1948, without salary, indefinite tenure beginning September 1, 1948, $55oo a year (5-22-48). LITTLE, E. B., Instructor, Biological Sciences (Undergraduate Division in Chicago), June 18-August 14, !948, $834 (5-26-48). LUCK, D. J., Acting Director, Bureau of Economic and Business Research (yi), June 15-August 14, 1948, $512; in addition to his present summer session appointment (6-12-48). MAGUIRE, J. T., Assistant, Business English, nine months beginning September 16, 1948, $2600 (5-26-48). M A I N , MARJORIE W., Instructor, Social Welfare Administration, one year beginning September I, 1048, $3600 (5-26-48). MARBARGER, J. P., Associate Professor, Physiology (Medicine), without salary, Director of Research, Physical Environment Unit (Medicine), $7500 a year, two months beginning July I, 1948 (6-1-48). MCLURE, W . P., Associate Professor, Bureau of Research and Service, indefinite tenure beginning September 1, 1948, $6500 a year (6-9-48). MOWRER, O. H., Research Professor, Psychology (Graduate College), indefinite tenure beginning September I, 1048, $9000 a year (6-11-48). MUELLER, H . L., Assistant Professor, Speech, one year beginning September I, 1948, $4000 (5-26-48). NEWKIRK, MRS. ELAINE P., Assistant, French, nine months beginning September 16, 1948, $2400 (5-26-48). NOREEN, A. E., Instructor, Mechanical Engineering ( C ) , one year beginning September 1, 1948, $3200 (6-10-48). ODEGAARD, C. E., Professor, History ( J 4 ) , indefinite tenure, Assistant to the Dean of the Graduate College O/2), one year, beginning September 1, 1948, $9000 a year (6-1-48). PETERSON, THERESA J., Teacher, Nursery School (Division of Special Services for W a r Veterans), Summer Session, 1948, June 21-August 14, 1948, $572 (6-8-48). PETERSON, THERESA J., Head Teacher, rank of Instructor, Nursery School (Division of Special Services for W a r Veterans), one year beginning September 1, 1948, $3600 (6-8-48). RABIN, RUDOLPH, Instructor, Physical Sciences (Undergraduate Division in Chicago) (yi), June 18-August 14, 1948, $417, supersedes (6-3-48). ROBBINS, MARY W., Research Assistant, Chemistry (Graduate College), one year beginning September I, 1948, $3000 (6-7-48). SAUNDERS, A. L., Special Research Assistant, Physics ( S ) , one year beginning September 1, 1948, $3240 (5-26-48). SCHRECKER, M R S . HELENE, Assistant, French, nine months beginning September 16, 1948, $2400 (5-26-48). SECORD, A. W., Research Professor, English (Graduate College), July i-September 15, 1948, $177777; in addition to his present appointment (6-12-48). SHAKLEE, W. E., Research Assistant, Animal Genetics (Animal Science) ( S ) , one year beginning September 1, 1948, $3200 (5-26-48). SPEER, J. F., Assistant, English, nine months beginning September 16, 1948, $2400 (5-26-48). SWOBODA, M R S . BETTY J., Research Assistant, Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations, one year beginning September 1, 1948, $2400 (6-12-48). TICHE, J. P., Assistant, Physical Education for Men (Undergraduate Division in Chicago), nine months beginning September 16, 1948, $2880 (5-26-48).
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