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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1948 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

I948] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS I163 APPENDIX APPOINTMENTS MADE BY T H E PRESIDENT (The date in parenthesis is the date on which the appointment was made by the President of the University. Part-time appointments are shown by fractions after the name of the department. C = College; S = Station; E = Extension.) ANDREWS, HELEN R., Assistant Dean of Women, one year beginning September 1, 1948, $4000 (5-25-48). ATKINS, C. P., Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering ( C ) , one year beginning September I, 1948, $4400 (5-22-48). BENDER, C. C , Instructor, Speech, one year beginning September 1, 1948, $3400 (5-26-48). BENNE, K. D., Professor, Education, indefinite tenure beginning September 1, 1948, $6700 a year (5-25-48). BEYER, DONALD, Assistant, Physiology, nine months beginning September 16, 1948, $2400 (5-27-48). BURNETT, R. W., Assistant, Soil Experiment Fields (Agronomy) ( S ) , June 15August 31, 1948, $3000 a year, one year beginning September I, 1948, $3200, supersedes (6-7-48). CORTEN, H . T., Instructor, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics ( C ) , one year beginning September 1, 1948, $3640 (5-26-48). CRONBACH, L. J., Associate Professor, Bureau of Research and Service, indefinite tenure beginning September 1, 1948, $7000 a year (5-20-48). DILLAWAY, R. B., Instructor, Mechanical Engineering ( C ) , one year beginning September I, 1948, $3000 (6-11-48). DONAHOE, NED, Assistant, Speech, nine months beginning September 16, 1948, $2400 (5-26-48). D U N N , C. L., Assistant, Accountancy, nine months beginning September 16, 1948, $2400 (5-26-48). EHRHARD, JEAN E. A. L., Visiting Professor, French, five months beginning February 1, 1949, $3500 (6-11-48). ELLISTON, R. H., Physical Sciences (Undergraduate Division in Chicago) (^2), Summer Session, 1948, June 18-August 14, 1948, $362 (6-3-38). FINLAY, G. C , Instructor, Education, Assistant to the Dean (Education) (7A), May i-August 14, 1948, $2040 a year, supersedes (5-27-48). GILPATRICK, T. V., Assistant, Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations, two months beginning July I, 1948, $200 a month (6-12-48). GUILLEMIN, VICTOR, JR., Professor, Biophysics (Department of Medicine) (Medicine), without salary, Biophysicist, Physical Environment Unit (Medicine), $8500 a year, two months beginning July 1, 1948 (6-1-48). GULLEY, H. E., Assistant Professor, Verbal Expression (Division of General Studies), one year beginning September I, 1948, $4000 (5-26-48). HATCH, R. D., Assistant Professor, Veterinary Clinical Medicine (Veterinary Medicine), one year beginning September I, 1948, $5500 (5-20-48). HEDGES, R. A., Research Assistant, Bureau of Economic and Business Research, June 21-September I, 1948, $225 a month (6-3-48). HERSKOVITS, M. J., Visiting Research Professor, Sociology (Graduate College) (yi), five months beginning September 1, 1948, $500 a month (6-11-48). HICKS, R. G., Special Research Assistant, Ceramic Engineering ( S ) , July I, 1948August 31, 1949, $2800 a year (5-26-48). HOFF, M. L., Instructor, Mathematics (Undergraduate Division in Galesburg), one year beginning September 1, 1048, $3640 (6-7-48). HOFFMAN, J. W., Special Research Assistant Professor, Electrical Engineering ( S ) , June I, 1948-August 31, 1049, $4500 a year (6-11-48). HOGG, M. W., Assistant Professor, Economics, one 3^ear beginning September I, 1948, $4500 (6-1-48). INGHRAM, M R S . FLORENCE, Assistant Dean of Women, July 1, 1948-August 31, 1949, $4000 a year (6-1-48). JASINSKI, RENE, Visiting Professor, French, five months beginning September I, 1948, $4000 (6-11-48).
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