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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1948 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1948] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS "55 On July I, 1047, the Association had a net operating surplus of $225,047, a reserve of $50,955 for maintenance and replacement of plant, and a reserve of $28,283 for equipment replacement. It is estimated that on June 30, 1948, the operating surplus will be $312,004, the reserve for plant maintenance and replacement will be $12,523, and the reserve for equipment replacement will be $28,283. The budget has been examined by the Comptroller, and all salaries have been reviewed by the President; those salaries paid jointly by the Athletic Association and the School of Physical Education are concurred in by the Director of the School of Physical Education. I recommend that this budget be approved and that the President of the University be authorized to make such changes and adjustments, including approval of new appointments and acceptances of resignations, as are necessary and recommended by the Board of Directors of the Athletic Association within the total estimated income, such changes to be reported to the Board of Trustees. On motion of Mr. Williamson, this budget was approved and authority was given as recommended. APPOINTMENT OF J O H N GORDON PACE AS PERSONNEL MANAGER OF THE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION (2) T h e Board of Directors of the Athletic Association has appointed John Gordon Pace, now a member of the faculty of the Physical Education Department and baseball coach at Northern Illinois State Teachers College, De Kalb, as Personnel Manager of the Athletic Association beginning July 1, 1948, at an annual salary of $5,000. I recommend confirmation of this appointment. On motion of Mr. McKelvey, this appointment was confirmed. APPOINTMENT OF DR. STEWART S. CAIRNS AS HEAD OF THE DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS (3) I recommend the appointment of Dr. Stewart S. Cairns, now Professor and Head of the Department of Mathematics at Syracuse University, as Professor and Head of the Department of Mathematics on indefinite tenure beginning August 1, 1948, at a salary of $11,000 a year. On motion of Mr. Livingston, this appointment was made as recommended. LABORATORY EQUIPMENT FOR NEW CHEMISTRY BUILDING (4) Bids have been received by the Physical Plant Department for laboratory equipment to be specially constructed and installed in the new Chemistry Building at Urbana. T h e aggregate of low bids received for both manufacture and installation is approximately $571,000. Three bids were received on the manufacture of the equipment. In five of the six bids for installation, however, only one bid was received for each type of service. The maximum amount available for the purchase and installation of equipment in the State appropriation for this building is $300,000. The lowest bid for the manufacture of the equipment is that of the Kewaunee Manufacturing Company, $276,879.60. Hence, practically the entire amount now available is needed to cover the contract for the manufacture of the equipment, not including installation. T h e Chemistry Department recommends that there be no change in specifications and that the contract for equipment be let to the lowest bidder in accordance with the bids received. If that procedure is followed, additional funds of about $271,000 (based on bids received) would be necessary in future appropriations to provide for installation of the equipment. If the contract for equipment is made as recommended, this additional amount should be a high priority item in the 1949-1951 biennial capital funds. The Physical Plant Department recommends that all bids for installation be rejected and that new bids be requested at a later date. After a careful review of the problem, I recommend that the contract for the manufacture of the equipment be awarded to the lowest bidder, the Kewaunee
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