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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1948 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1150 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 15 materials which are already in large production. After the report was submitted the W a r Production Board had the process investigated by several research laboratories. At the same time Professor Johnstone undertook studies, in which he was assisted by two of his students, Messrs. R. J. Kallal and R. C. Johnson, and as a result of their work an improvement in the method was developed which was more promising than any of those developed by W a r Production Board contractors. Professor Johnstone wishes to publish the results of his work. Because of the interest of large chemical companies the question of possible patent protection arises. Professor Roger Adams, Head of the Department of Chemistry, has recommended that the University not apply for a patent because there is considerable doubt that a patent can be obtained since there is already established prior art in this field. Aside from this, the University Research Board is of the opinion that the possibilities of any financial returns from such a patent are too remote to justify the expense of securing one. 2. Control mechanism for fatigue testing machine by Associate Professor H o w a r d C. Roberts of the Department of Civil Engineering. Professor Roberts has designed a control mechanism for machines which test fatigue of metals and other materials. The control mechanism was designed to work together with a device for adjusting the load applied by the machine during its testing operation. Dr. N. M. Newmark, Research Professor of Structural Engineering in the Civil Engineering Department, has expressed the opinion that while this device and an improved one which has not yet been constructed may be worth patenting, the utility of these devices is so limited that the financial returns from the patent would not justify the expense of securing one. The University Research Board concurs in this judgment. The University Research Board recommends that the above discoveries be released to the discoverer in each case. I concur. On motion of Dr. Luken, these releases were granted as recommended. CONTRACT FOR EXTENSION OF STEAM SERVICE FROM MAIN DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM TO VARIOUS BUILDINGS AT URBANA (8) Bids were opened at 11:00 a.m. (C.D.S.T.) J u n e 1, 1948, in the office of Sargent and Lundy, Engineers, Chicago, for the extension of steam service from the main distribution system to each of the various buildings now under construction at Urbana. The Director of the Physical Plant Department and the Comptroller recommend the award of the contract to the L. H. Prentice Company, Chicago, the lowest bidder, in the amount of $131,814 less $13,266 for omission of high pressure steam service to the Mechanical Engineering Building. This deduction is being recommended to bring the cost within available funds. High pressure steam will not be required in this building now but will be needed in the future when additions to the building are constructed. I concur in these recommendations. On motion of Mr. Williamson, this contract was authorized as recommended. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS O N W O M E N ' S RESIDENCE HALL GENERAL CONTRACT (9) The Board on May 22, 1948 (Minutes, pages 1094, 1113), referred to the Committee on Buildings and Grounds, for consideration and recommendation to the Board, a request of the W a r n e r Construction Company for an adjustment in its general contract on the Women's Residence Hall at Urbana. The Committee met in Chicago on May 27, 1948, at 6:30 p.m. to consider this item. Present: F r a n k H. McKelvey, Chairman, Mrs. Doris S. Holt, P a r k Livingston, Walter W . McLaughlin (members of the Committee) ; C. F. Murphy and C. P . Severns of Naess and Murphy, architects on the building; W. E. Britton, C. S. Havens, A. S. Davis (of the University architectural staff), and Lloyd Morey. The Committee received copies of statements by L. A. Lawson, attorney for
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