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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1948 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1148 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June i s the Department of Architecture on indefinite tenure beginning September I, 1948, at a salary of $10,000 a year. On motion of Mr. Williamson, this appointment was authorized as recommended. LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR PRESIDENT STODDARD (2) According to present plans, I shall fly to Paris from New York City July 6, remaining there ten days as the American representative on the Executive Board of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization ( U N E S C O ) . I shall then spend four days at Oxford University as a guest of the British Universities Congress, representing the American Council on Education. On August 4 I have been asked to give a talk at an international universities conference to be held at Utrecht University, Holland. I should return to the United States by air August 6. Accordingly, I request a half month's leave with salary adjusted as previously for U N E S C O , the other half of this trip to be a part of my vacation. On motion of Dr. Meyer, this request was granted. PROPERTY PURCHASE (3) Purchase of the property at 305 North Prospect Avenue, Champaign, owned by Mrs. Ruth H . Rockwood, at a price of $20,000 (seller to pay brokerage fee), is recommended as part of the special program of residence properties acquisition for faculty housing previously authorized by the Board of Trustees. This is a lot yiyi' x 122* with a brick and stucco house consisting of living room, dining room, kitchen, study, large hall, and lavatory on first floor; four bedrooms, sleeping porch, and bath on second floor; stoker-fired coal furnace; gas water heater; garage. This property was originally priced at $21,000, with an independent appraisal of $20,000. T h e owner will accept the University's appraisal. At its meeting on May 22 the Board authorized the purchase of four residence properties with the provision that one of them may be transferred to the Athletic Association if the Association decides to purchase it for rental to a member of the Athletic Department staff. T h e Athletic Association has elected to purchase one of those houses at $19,500, which releases funds for another property acquisition by the University. This matter was presented by Mr. Janata. On motion of Mr. Williamson, this purchase was authorized as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Fornof, Mrs. Holt, Mr. Livingston, Dr. Luken, Mr. McKelvey, Dr. Meyer, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Davis, Mr. Green, Mr. McLaughlin, Mr. Nickell. At this point, Mr. McLaughlin took his place with the Board. PARTICIPATION OF FARM AND HOME ADVISERS IN UNIVERSITY RETIREMENT SYSTEM (4) County farm and home advisers have requested an arrangement by which the salaries paid to them by county farm bureaus may be included as a basis for benefits to which they are eligible in the University Retirement System by virtue of their being members of the extension staff of the University College of Agriculture. The salaries of these persons are paid in part from State appropriations to the University, in part from Federal funds received by the University, and in part by the county farm bureaus. Retirement System benefits are based on the amount of salary paid by the University. At the present time, therefore, such benefits are limited to the sums paid from State and Federal funds. T o extend these benefits to include the total salary would necessitate that the county farm and home bureau deposit its share of the salary of each farm and home adviser with the University, for disbursement by it to the adviser. Since the entire salary would then be paid by the University, the benefits would be computed thereon. T h e farm bureau would also be required to pay the University the employer's contribution to the System covering the estimated cost of the employer's share of the benefits (estimated
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