UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1956 [PAGE 1572]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1956
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Leaves of absence, cont'd Koehler, B„ 1006 Koehler, J. S., 991 Korst, H. H., 991 Krathwohl, D. R., 476 Kruger, P. G., 1030 Kruidenier, F. J., 992 Kubitz, O. A„ 262, 856 LaVelle, Mrs. Fatth, 1112 Lawder, H. L., 107 Ledet, D. A., 991 Lee, F. J., 28 Lein, Marie E., 992 Lewis, E. G., 992 Lewis, O., 992 change, 1068 Link, R. P., 349 Linsky, L., 262, 393 Lohrer, M. Alice, 856 Low, F. E., 1006 Madow, W . G., 368, 1112 Manner, G,, 911 Martin, W. R., 216 McClay, C. H., 824 McConnell, J. L., 107 McCoy, R. E., 28 McDertnott, J. K., 286 McGregor, J. C , 262 McKee, Mary, 349 McLure, W. P., 261 McQuitty, L. L„ 262 Melsted, S. W., 990 Millican, R. D., 991 Mohr, G., 107 Montgomery, R. B., 28 Monypenny, P., 992 Moore, G. E., 286 Morgan, D. H., 476 Morrill, C. C , 286 Mossey, R. O., 216 Mrazek, Mrs. Hazel S., 286 Murray, J. A., 174, 881 Murrell, T. A., 991 Neiswanger, W. A., 261 Neumann, A. L., 990 Nordsieck, A. T., 349 Nyman, E. E., 107 O'Kelly, L. I., 992 Osgood, C. E., 262 Ovresat, R. C., 216 Paden, D. W., 824 cancellation, 856 Pelka, F. X., 28 Peterson, R. L., 261 Phillips, B., 261 Pickard, G. E., 991 Poprick, M. G., 824 Powers, Mrs. Prudence T., 933 Prosser, C. L., 992, 1050 Rabinowitch, E. I., 28 Ranney, J. A,, 262 cancellation, 394 Rapp, Mrs. Esther, 28 Raushenberger, J., 935 Ray, G. N., 992 Razim, E. A., 28 Reed, C. A., 28 ReifSchneider, W „ 881 Reiner, I,, 824 Rhoades, M. M., 992 Richards, Claire L., 261 Riddle, D. W., 262 Robb, W. C , 881, 1006 Robins, H. F., 992 Roos, F. J., Jr., 991 Rose, S. M., 262 Rubin, Mrs. Bunny R., 216 Russell, J. A., 262 Rywlin, A., 935 Salisbury, G. W., 260 Sanchez, J., 992 Schour, I., 262


Leaves of absence, cont'd Schramm, W., 824 cancellation, 107 Schumann D. W., 262 Scott, A. L., 992 Scott, H. W., 28 Scott, R. E„ 262 Scott, W. O., 393 Secord, A. W., 262 Series, E. R., 107 Shannon, F. A., 911 Shay, Mary L., 992 Sherbo, A., 992 Shoemaker, H. H., 262 Smith, R. M„ 935 Snider, C. F., 262 Snyder, H. R., 262 Stagner, R., 262 Staley, S. C., 262 Steiner, G.t 349 Stendler, Celia B., 1112 Steward, J. H., 935 Still well, G. B., 151, 1006 Stone, R., 935 Stravinsky, S., 991 Suci, G. J., 349, 1112 Summers, W. L., 824 Sutton, R. M., cancellation, 107 Suzuki, M., 1068 Swain, J. W., 262 Tagliacozza, R., 28 Terrill, S. W., 991 Thompson, J. R„ 151 Tiebout, H. M., Jr., 824 Tippo, O., 349 Touchberry, R. W., 991 Trotier, A. H., 107 Turquette, A. R., 935 Twardock Mrs. Dorothy O., 882 Vawter, G. F., 286 Viens, C. P., 992 Von Foerster, H., 991 Wales, H. G., 336 Wallace, K. R., 992 Will, F. L., 28 Womelsdorf, W. N., 476 Woods, G. T., 107 Working, E. J., 107 Wright, J. F., 1078 Wuerker, R. G., 261 change, 394 Wyatt, A. R., 349 Young, J. N., 261 Young, P., 991 Young, P. T., 992 Zim, H. S., 174 Leavitt, S. A., degree, 1140 LeBeau, L, J., appointment, 618, 1298 Lebin, R. W-, degree, 1147 LeBlanc, A. J., degree, 1134 LeBloch, P. C , degree, 1142 Le Brun, D. E., degree, 404 Leek, W. C , member of Citizens Committee, 360 LeClerc, Lillian R-, degree, 434 LeClercq, E„ certificate, 1077 Lectures, general, budget, 497, U75 Ledbetter, R. F., degree, 828 Lederberg, S. S-, degree, 857 fellowship, 391 Lederer, Bonna G., degree, 424 Lederer, F. L., appointment, 624, 1305 eift» 90s ^. - . . Lederle Laboratories Division, American Cyanarmd Co., contract, change, 140, 168 gift, 239, 892, 9or Ledet, D. A., appointment, 557, 1018, 1237 leave of absence, 091 Ledet, Nordeen C , degree, 424 Lee, A. S. J., and K. B. Morris, Mechanical Engineering Development, purchase, 227 Lee, B. D., appointment, 56, 771