UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1942 [PAGE 267]

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[April 17

OGDEN, RUDOLPH, Junior Typist in the Tabulating Office, in the Accounting Division of the Business Office, for five months beginning April 1, 1941, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Commission, at a cash compensation at the rate of one hundred five dollars ($105) a month (this supersedes his previous appointment). (March 28, 1941) RIGDON, R U T H EILEEN, Stenographer in the Extension Service in Agriculture and H o m e Economics, for five months beginning April 1, 1941, at a cash compensation at the rate of eighty-five dollars ($85) a month. (March 13, 1941) ROUNDS, JOSEPH BRADFORD, to give instruction in Library Science, in the Summer Session of 1941, beginning June 16, 1941, and ending August 9, 1941, at a cash compensation of six hundred dollars ($600) for the session. (March 19, 1941) RUSSELL, WINIFRED A., Junior Clerk in the Admissions Department, in the College of Dentistry, beginning March 18, 1941, and continuing through August 31, 1941, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Commission, at a cash compensation at the rate of one hundred dollars ($100) a month (this supersedes her previous appointment). (March 25, 1941) SMITH, DORIS MAURINE, Assistant in H o m e Accounts, in the Department of H o m e Economics, in the Agricultural Experiment Station, beginning June 1, 1941, and continuing through August 31, 1941, at a cash compensation at the rate of one thousand seven hundred dollars ($1,700) a year. (April 14, 1941) SNYDER, THELMA MAY, Clerk in the Department of Agricultural Economics, in the Agricultural Experiment Station, for four months beginning May 1, 1941, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Commission, at a cash compensation at the rate of ninety-five dollars ($95) a month. (April 11, 1041) STASTNY, A N N J U N E , Stenographer in the Department of Agricultural Economics, in the Agricultural Experiment Station, for five months beginning April I, 1941, at a cash compensation at the rate of eighty-five dollars ($85) a month. (March 17, 1941) TATGE, EDWARD GEORGE, Instructor in Medicine, in the College of Medicine, for five months beginning April 1, 1941, without salary. (March 25, 1941) TELSER, STANLEY E., Assistant in Medicine, in the College of Medicine, on one-half time, for five months beginning April 1, 1041, at a cash compensation at the rate of sixty dollars ($60) a month (this supersedes his previous appointm e n t ) . (April 8, 1941) WALKER, ERNEST D E W I T T , Associate in Agronomy Extension, in the Department of Agronomy, in the Extension Service in Agriculture and H o m e Economics, on 59/100 time, for four months beginning May 1, 1941, at a cash compensation at the rate of one thousand nine hundred dollars ($1,000) a year (this supersedes his previous appointment). (April 10, 1041) WATROBINSKI, H. WANDA, Junior Stenographer in the Chicago Division of the Physical Plant Department, for six months beginning March 1, 1941, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Commission, at a cash compensation at the rate of one hundred dollars ($100) a month (this supersedes her previous appointm e n t ) . (March 17, 1941) WOOD, A D A M A E , to give instruction in Library Science, in the Summer Session of 1941, beginning June 16, 1941, and ending August 9, 1941, at a cash compensation of five hundred dollars ($500) for the session. (March 27, 1941) ZELDES, MARY, Assistant in Pediatrics, in the College of Medicine, beginning March 18, 1941, and continuing through August 31, 1941, without salary. (March 21, 1941) RESIGNATIONS, DECLINATIONS, AND CANCELLATIONS T h e S e c r e t a r y p r e s e n t e d a l s o f o r r e c o r d t h e f o l l o w i n g list o f r e s i g n a tions, declinations, a n d cancellations. BALDWIN, GEORGE CURRIDEN, to give instruction in Physics, in the Summer Session of 1941—declination effective June 16, 1941. BALLOU, N A T H A N E., Scholar in Chemistry—declination effective September 1, 1941.