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£ t ^ u « t . vr:fjj! e'"t**>l»i*K*«* C r Wt-'SJSr., f*d> :>. , . j " u h v.utl'. I !U* r ^ i * ? * ; S<;U« &h«:i*H«S. ftl«t .. . ,4^r^K£sutieal ... Ag«£wfHH-i»t , . .... ArcttitMtttrai . . Cmomk g, Chemtaa! D».3-» ;»--••,<; U i H n t -M HvdUh, ! 5iJ 48 4 4g 25 138 243 2 IS 49 1!S 6 ..(••I Hrti.iif'. O litre o) hdueation, •t'jviu> thai of the 28,h*i8l* total ij;> >i and women students fiiroMed l.i< uskk'tt! or extension course stmh imvartt a« engineering; tie* iyee k> the fall of W-M, o»h 1,718 •%h>>hsh o\er half of one per «cnl> wrs! women. Hiese 1,718 were OH1\ i.w train ol ofte pet cem of women's total lft&8 college enrollment of 1,1-18,1:10. Total engineering enrollment*! in I'JaN for both awn a n d w«Hneit inth-ted a decline for the first time in *>r\e» H',irs: ioi wonKfn. the lov> n,is S.u jx-r cent and tor men, 2.5 per uriif. O H the other hand, total >**»fr«r enrollments to*" both men .•nil women rearhett all-time highs i» ('J*>8 -lor women a gain of ? 8 • Kir tens ovet the previous, \ear and lot men. a gain of 5.5 |>er rent. SVheteas women's total <al!ef*e enmltmem in IB'S rose rclathch Hilhei than thai ol men, rhch loial engineering enrollment fell tclativth lower. The number of engineering debtees conferred on both men and uwiifH ro»e at all level* in 19*>7-*>$. However, of the -11,767 conferral, only 133 were earned by women. Use major branches of engineering in which degreesi were toutetred upon women include*! chemical & 8 4 2© 8 Civil . . . . ff#th«al . EngkuMti m $ Geotegtroi G»pby««it pkf stes .. 2i ! % * « . ... 2 38 56© M®£h«mksl . . . . . Mtstatttswgkef Mining ....... Move! ar«ht$«<twre &t>4 Pmifohyim &&?»fesrf .......... U 8 3 19 0 6 Te*!it« U»ek»»il>ed ©•her , si ' 6 0 0 5 7 5 0 0 1 4 t 13 5 t-ngi«eri'in«. with a total ol *Jl degrees; ele«tji«.ii with «,">; mechani«al with lit. and «i\il e no meeting with II. The reason*. l>ehi»d these figures are maiiitnid, but assurance ol M«itable employment opjx»rtunitie>« and know lettj^e ol theii existence i.an he strong fa«torN in inilueiuing ntore women itudents with the reqnired abilities iu stud) for engineering professions. Despite the recent sli»ht decline in etnoltment the long tenn trend in ninnlw-rs of women engineers has been definite!v npwnrd, churattert/cd h\ sharper iiureases at tvr- tain fiuies than others. Anient art women ran ?»• toimied on so re>|>ond tn toda)'s demand's as thc-% have done, in the past in time* oi national eniergfittx, ln«'reastnj» pas tiei]>itshin on their part h httnitabte js uui lal>>» h««e expands to prodiue the jjoods and si'tvife* needed lor oar "foiling population as well as oui national seemin T h e Women's llure.su of the {'nited Statis IK'paiintent t>f Lttlxn urges no sj>e<ial pri\ilegei» f«n women hut oppotiunitics l*« them to use their talents and abilities tttih to sene our national «oaK. -End. n»?rot«d hy Mory Murphy, superK th# Illinois Sell Telephone ComI 3* The notional president ol the Societ*/ of We.nen Engineers, Miss Catherine Elden, is working on tost st»di«* for o telephone company. She also *«KJcbe<» eftgifie««n§ economics to her fellow workers.
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