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.;; \ >'-•..•! ii.ner.i, in - .- <••! k U-.' M>< m a .*' h a * o . e n -mi! i'i;u sis •\i\ !•>> vonii' time headed tl*^ spot ii.s .tiioiiN s*;tH in the \ t n r a k F.i!\;in(Ti mi; Division of the Civil Vconiauti- s \ d n n n i s t r a l i o n . f^.\oniitt inicTevtin'^ story is that oi j -voting elect! icai engineer w h o c m h a t k i d on ;m eu»>ineeiing laici'i with !K r haihcinr's d e g n e at age i',H!H\i)iii'. sktlliuih (<mv bincd ht \ piolcwioii vtith m a t t i a g e and n»othcih<*.>d. and has helped devcioo nnptoved -oiiar displays and t ' t h n i q u c s a p p l h a b l e to antisuhinatUH »\att-Ul\ Mil! a n o d i c ! slots is that of an engineer w h o as a girl re|x>rtedly took a p a i i all the «locks in the house and put them b.n k tt*gethn again to m n Iwttet than thev did heloie. Having denionstiated hei capacity in . mathematics, tconoini> s. and phvsies as an undergtadu.tU she went on to earn her waster's debtee and her d<«tot.ite, and then at locked the l a n k of aNVMi.ite p i o t c s v x . She was Ie<Utter in m a t h e m a t i c s in several universities, and t o n d u c t e d university rese:o<h in elc< trome< hanit -. on l o u t r j u t v, hit the G o v e r n m e n t . She is as laser sought out In a nationally knots u fnni to develop and d i t m it* p i o g t a n u u i n g for elcttronw if imputes s in which work » she has b e t o m e art exnett. \ not her e x a m p l e oi success in a diffete.nt fa Id is that of a ivnovwied scientist-engineer who has b e t o n u ~i ptojett d i m tor in a t e t o g n i / e d tollege of euginecrina and a v.mid authnritv on soiat fiie»'4\ reseat t h . I n l'.».V2 \he ret c t v t d an avwud by the "sotictv of W o m e n r.ngtnrers as " O u t s t a n d i n g W o m a n F.ngince; of the Year." Hei stictesscs int 1 title suth developments a.s solar stills for life rait-, and solar heating equipment for houses. F q u a l h inlet esting stories t o u l d t v told of uianv raoic s-tah nntabic vvonu-n hit hiding that ol a themira! enjjintet, holder of a Master of Silence degree Irom an institute of engineering ant! employed as an engineer by a large autoniotivc cor{»rali<Mi, wlwise professional g t o w t h a n d activity in ntany !»cien« fhis w o m a n engineer, Miss Emma Berth, is checking the coniiryction of a g e n e r a t o r which she designed. She a t t e n d e d e v e n i n g d a i s e s for seven y e a r s to e a r n her engineering d e g r e e . m>?re meaningful in highlighting :«i hicventfiut of women engineers than a long recital of honors, a v . m h , and t o n l r i b u t t o m . T h e i e «s the story of one able ant! h i g h h motivated woman who was original!} refused admission to t h e engineering school of her h o m e state, who d i d not take " n o " for a n answer, b u t enrolled elsewhere, completed two years of work in it<.-jU!:!ii»«n ";• viise of h o • >.\ -. ' i i o i i h ' i i nl A> !n< i n i i i ' i ' i , " o. .. supmi\<.»!\ ii<athentati>'an in a nasal tosupnier (iixision, >>i »t:H i»(il€*is who hi-lpt^I de\elnii in, kefs and k n u t i h i n g nu'thattisiu-> !oi guitletl missiles. 1'he ittllueiue oi wonn-n cngi nee?s t a n be found in basic metals. steel, t o n c t e t e . artltitei tuie. shipbuilding, l a i h o a d s , bridges, a u t o motive e«juijnneut, indtistiial ma i h i n e n . healing anit reis si;ei ating etptipnteut. cleitruttits e<piiptn<nt. h o u s c h o h ! appliante-, and r q u i p ment and m a i n n i o u prothu is essential to out set in its and out s t a n d a t d « f living. The Iou-i>oii« < txatnples, htmever. ate sufhi tent to suggest the vers.itilitv at>d dtversitv <»f av ailahle talent and lonnHMt'ttte. Intttest in vtotnen t n u i n e e t s and in then fonts ibut ion to e. ,,i>o»nit piogtess am! higlitt staittlattb of living ha< !*'<oine vsoiUl wiih . Httt ing the past veai the I ' t u n d \ a lions Couunission on the Status o! W o m e n reviewed the pattit ipatimt ol women in cn^fueeritr^, a t t h i t e t ttire, a n d law throu<jiiout the world. Repiten to their questionn a i r e wete receivetl from approxiinatei) hirty t o t t n t r i t s . Although unqualified (ojnpaiisotts f»l the tSata weie dtffktdt. a lew telling tarts were q u i t e clear. We know, of < nurse, oi" the emphasis placed « farmer science l e a r n e r ana co» oyihor ef several Articles in t h e li#W ©f r e s i d e n t * lighting, this w o m e n e n g i n e e r tMKxis a coram*rctei e n g i n e e r i n g laboratory. 33 This rocket en§in«#f is in c h a r g e of twenty>three droftsmen and e n g i n e s r s w h o o r e working on o laonehing syitem l e t short-range intsreepfer mltsites. The Aw#ric«fl Inginesr
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