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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1964 [PAGE 731]

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[July 2

On motion of Mr. Swain, these agreements were authorized by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; present but not voting, Mr. Hughes; absent, Mr. Kerner.

EASEMENT T O N O R T H E R N ILLINOIS WATER C O R P O R A T I O N (16) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend that an easement be granted the Northern Illinois Water Corporation in order to relocate the Northern Illinois Water Corporation's sixteen-inch main, which is the University's main source of water supply, from the east side of Romine Street to the west side of Romine Street. It is necessary to relocate this water main to provide a site for the proposed Civil Engineering Building. I concur and recommend adoption of the following resolution; and that the Comptroller and Secretary of the Board be authorized to execute the necessary documents subject to approval of the same by the Legal Counsel. Resolution Be It, and It Hereby Is Resolved by this Board of Trustees of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, a public corporation of the State of Illinois, that the Comptroller and the Secretary of this Board of Trustees be, and they hereby are, authorized to execute, acknowledge, and deliver in the name and on behalf of this Corporation such instruments of conveyance, contract, or other document or documents as to them may seem necessary or desirable in order to grant to Northern Illinois Water Corporation, an Illinois corporation, hereinafter referred to as "Grantee," its successors and assigns, the right and easement to construct, reconstruct, operate, maintain, repair, alter, replace, move and remove a sixteen-inch (16") water line and other equipment appurtenant thereto, under, through and across the land hereinafter described and the right of ingress to and egress therefrom. Grantee shall agree to repair any damage to property of this Corporation by the construction, reconstruction, operation, maintenance, repairing, alteration, moving and removing of said water line which is caused by its negligence. The right-of-way easement shall remain in full force and effect from the date granted and for so long thereafter as said water transportation line is continued in service and has not been abandoned and discontinued. Upon termination of the easement Grantee shall peaceably surrender possession of said premises to this Corporation and full and complete title then shall remain in this Corporation free and clear of said easement. The right-of-way easement shall be over the following described property: Situated in the State of Illinois, the County of Champaign, the City of Urbana in the S W VA S E V4 of Section 7 T19N R9E of the 3rd P.M. and being a strip of land 10.0 feet wide whose center line is described as follows: Beginning at a point 108.0 feet west of the centerline of Romine Street and 19.1 feet north of the centerline of Main Street, both in the said City of Urbana, thence southerly along a line parallel to the centerline of said Romine Street, a distance of 402.6 feet to a corner, said corner being 39.0 feet distant south of the centerline of Stoughton Street in said City of Urbana; thence easterly along a line parallel to the centerline of said Stoughton Street, a distance of 75.0 feet to a point on the west property line of said Romine Street. O n m o t i o n of M r . H u g h e s , t h e f o r e g o i n g r e s o l u t i o n w a s a d o p t e d by the following vote: Aye, M r . Clement, M r . Dilliard, M r . H u g h e s , Mr. Johnston, M r . Page, M r . Pogue, M r . Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, M r . K e r n e r . EASEMENT F O R P I P E L I N E ON C A R T E R - P E N N E L L FARM (17) The Dean of the College of Agriculture and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend that an easement be granted on the Carter-Pennell Farm in Vermilion County to the Allied Gas Company in order to provide a pipeline to serve the Village of Rankin. The Company will pay $2.00 a rod for the easement and $2.00 a rod for crop damages, for a total of approximately $960.00. I concur and submit a formal resolution for adoption by the Board.