UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1964 [PAGE 1593]

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BOARD OF T R U S T E E S Shupp, F . R., appointment, 327 Shurts, F. B., degree, 1080 Shurts, Sue C., degree, 633 Shurtz, R. C , degree, 1080 Shute, D. R., degree, 1304 Shwachman, B., degree, 1321 Sia, Ming B., appointment, 813 Sibinovic, S. M., appointment, 38 Sibinovic, Mrs. Sarah K. H., appointment, 891, 1170 Sibley, K. E., degree, 394 Sibrel, D. W., degree, 152 Sickness and accident insurance, University Extension, purchase, 1162 Siddiqui, I. A., fellowship, 1229 Sidebottom, O. M., appointment, 337, 655, 1003 resignation, 1342 Sidell, D. M„ degree, 402 Sidell, Edith P., property at 1009 West Green Street, purchase, 26, 348 Sides, B. A., degree, 618 Sides, C. F., degree, 836 Sidewalks, Illini Union area, contract, change, 51 Women's Gymnasium, appropriation, 488 balance reappropriated, 780 Sidhu, Nancy D., degree, 840 Sidney, Mary C , appointment, 126, 339, 509 Sidorewicz, W., degree, 403 Siebach, M. J., degree, 142 Siebert, F. M., appointment, 999 fellowship, 411 Siebert, R. A., degree, 397 Siedentop, K. H., appointment, 76, 763 Siefert, T. E., fellowship, 518 Siegel, Betsy R., degree, 1312 Siegel, F., appointment, 338, 1004 Siegel, H. J., degree, 882 Siegel, Judith, degree, 1298 Siegel, Linda J., degree, 1298 Siegel, N. B., degree, 620 Siegel, P., appointment, 760, 977 Siegel, R. J., degree, 636 Siegel, Sharon R., degree, 645 Siegert, R. F., degree, 645 Siegfried, R., appointment, 38, 201, 697 resignation, 702 Siegriest, L., art work, gift, 966 Siemens, J. C , appointment, 442 degree, 874 Siemens America, Inc., purchase, 864, 1206 Siemens Medical of America, Inc., purchase, 1158 Siemens New York, Inc., purchase, 189 Siemer, E. G., degree, 1267 Siems, C. H., Co., contract, 537 approval rescinded, 693 Siepert, H. G., certificate, 532 Sierecki, L. G., degree, 400 Sieren, D. J., appointment, declination, 117-i Sierra, R. J., Jr., certificate, 1239 Sierra Leone, Njalla College project, contract, 380, 681, 867 change, 869 Peace Corps project, contract, 943 Siesennop, W. W., degree, 391 Siess, C. P., appointment, 38, 327, 990 Sieveking, N. A., fellowship, 44 Sifferd-Men's Residence Halls Association Scholarship, funds, gift, 285, 947 Sigband, D. J., degree, 1321 Sigborn, Frances J., degree, 213 Sigborn, T. W., degree, 839 Sigel, C. W., degree, 628 Sigel, Virginia M., degree, 633 Sigler, J. M., degree, 612 Sigma Phi Delta, Inc., property at 9O5-905B South Fifth Street, lease, 191 property at 1103 West Illinois Street, purchase, 348 Sigma Xi, gift, 289, 951

Shipley, J. R., appointment, 442 leave of absence, 426 Shipp, Sally J., degree, 619 Shipping containers, Physics, purchase, 375 Shipping fever, research, gift, 952 Shipton, G. E,, appointment, 1085 Shirai, T., appointment, 925 Shirey, R. N., fellowship, 1229 Shirwo, D. M., degree, 1073 Shive, R. J., degree, 1285 Shively, R. R., appointment, 696 degree, 601 Shkolnik, A. A., appointment, 765 Shlaes, Linda I., degree, 1298 Shmigelsky, Irene, appointment, 77, 765 Shock absorbers, Civil Engineering, purchase, 913 Shockley, \V. K., degree, 1077 Shoeb, N. A., degree, 1065 Shoeb, N. K., degree, 1075 fellowship, 1229 Shoemaker, A. K., degree, 392 Shoemaker, H. H., appointment, 337, 1003 Shoemaker, L. R„ degree, 1298 Shoemaker, O. L., & Co., contract, 541 Shoemaker, W. H., appointment, 1001 leave of absence, 427 Shoemaker, W. L., appointment, 328, 991 Shoffner, J. P., appointment, 338 fellowship, 44, 663 Sholder, S., appointment, 72, 760 Sholl, Joyce E., degree, 627 Shontze, Linda K., degree, 1314 Shook, C. D., degree, 1080 Shores, J. H., appointment, 328, 993 Shorey, W. D., appointment, 82, 770 Short, E. B., degree, 643 Short, L., & Son, Inc., gift, 304 purchase, 376, 1037 Short, V. D., degree, 1321 Shortino, N. C , certificate, 748 Shotton, J. A., Jr., degree, 398 Shotts, D. A., degree, 1298 Shotts, L. D., degree, 622 Shotwell, Joan S., appointment, 813 degree, 1061 Shotwell, Karen L., degree, 630 Shouba, J. W., degree, 1068 Shouba, M. J., degree, 1301 Shoulders, Betty K., appointment, 126 Shove, G. C , appointment, 355 Showalter, Sandra L., degree, 626 Shriner, W. N., degree, 625 Shroff, S. D., degree, 828 Shrub planting, Physical Plant Department, Urbana, purchase, 103 Shtohryn, D. M., appointment, 201 Shubbak, M. I., degree, 1304 Shubert, H. A., appointment, 891 degree, 1269 Shucard. S. C , fellowship, 1229, 1337 Shuck, L. D., degree, 622 Shuck, R. F., I l l , certificate, 748 Shufeldt, W. E., degree, 1292 Shugrue, M. F., appointment, 696 fellowship, 1172 resignation, 135 Shukla, R. S., degree, 610 Shulkin, N. H., degree, 1319 Shull, Terry A., degree, 637 Shulman, H. S., appointment, 180, 891, 1219 Shulman, M., appointment, 925 Shult, E. E., appointment, 1219 degree, 1060 Shultz, Martha C , degree, 142 Shumaker, Effie A., degree, 1298 Shuman, F. H., appointment, 126, 201, 255 Shuman, Janet L., degree, 627 Shuman, R. J., degree, 1298 Shunk, J. F., degree, 621 Shupack, Martha J., degree, 616 Shupe, Ruth E., degree, 633